The Saturn/Uranus Opposition

"This week the last pass of the ongoing opposition between Saturn and Uranus takes place. Saturn is in Libra and moving forward, while Uranus is in Aries and is retrograde. It is time to find your inner balance while also taking advantage of this opportunity to shed old fears, patterns, negative emotions, and other sticky energies. By doing so, you can create space to grow into the person you were always meant to be."

Okay, so the above was copied & pasted from MSN Horoscopes today which explains so much right now. This week has been extremely 'odd' however I couldn't quite put my finger on it so to speak. For the most part I blamed pms and unsettled hormones which may have been caused by the stars, planets and such. Especially since my astrological sign is 'ruled' by Saturn I'm sure for those who truly believe in this concept it speaks for itself. In retrospect it does make sense; at least to me. I've felt deja vu a couple times this week, very unsettling feelings while driving or just out & about, an eerie feeling regarding the man I love and an almost urgent desire to wave the white flag and contact him only to find out he needs surgery. I feel so in tuned yet completely out of place at the same time :-/ what does that even mean?!?!

I felt like I wanted this man next to me, in my arms but didn't want to swallow my pride and contact him. What do I REALLY have to lose? Why is it so much easier to let the man I can't see myself without slip away? Am I so 'damaged' that I can't allow love to have a fighting chance? When does it stop? Only I have the power and ability to end this cowardly approach to faux love but the question is: am I willing?

Why am I holding back when I know better? I can only blame the moon and the stars for so long.

Let's just say that since I know better I am going to make a much better effort to do better.