
I may have found what's been missing; as I've mentioned in previous posts I've gained some unwanted weight.  I've cleansed, changed my diet, began walking and various other techniques to lose it, but it seems like it's not enough. The frustrating part about this is the fact that I've done this before. I was finally bikini ready until 6 weeks of restriction from my doctor post surgery. I'd managed to undo a year's work in a rather short period of time. Needless to say along with battling Anxiety, I now must face shame and guilt for allowing it to happen. 

This morning I let go of the negative emotions and realized I really haven't been working out hard enough to see my desired results. Talk about "honesty hour", of course that hurt a little to admit yet being honest is key when it comes to expecting a certain outcome. I realize I'd gotten comfortable although I'd express the contrary. I may need to take some time and examine other areas I may be doing the same thing and make some changes. This seems to be right on time as one year is coming to a close and another is beginning. The New Year always offers a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, no past guilt trips or pity parties; but why wait for the New Year when tomorrow is a New Day? A day to start anew and begin the necessary steps for those results, whether it's a diet, updating your resume,  or whatever it may be that puts a damper on the day. 

Suddenly I want to run, however I am still recovering so I know I can't, yet. That's where mercy comes in, I allowed myself to forget various challenges I am currently going through which may prevent a workout here and there. Not at all making excuses, just knowing and accepting the awareness within my being.  Perhaps that goes along with being kind to yourself, recognizing when the body needs extra care and attention as opposed to when we are at our best.  Remembering we all are facing various challenges as well as areas we may need to increase our effort. So rather than running, I walked. 

To be continued...

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