Gotta Start Somewhere...

I want to write...

Here are the challenges keeping me from doing so:

1. I don't like to discuss things until they are DONE. You know the saying "don't talk about it, be about it"? That's me 100%; so what do you write when everything's still "a work in progress"? Not to mention, words are powerful and I am not ready to share certain things publicly as they may affect my outcomes. In many things I can't afford to be naïve in thinking that everyone who reads my words or knows me personally wishes me well. Lets be honest, "misery loves company", "unhappiness despises change" and "The Mediocre hates The Over-Achiever" . So please forgive me when I choose NOT to give you ammunition to fuel negative energy towards me. Those who do such don't need any of my help. While those who wish me well and send positive energy, do so without requiring specifics.

2. Keeping #1 in mind, I don't desire to dwell in the sorrow of yesterday/yesteryear. Oftentimes rehashing the hurt, anger, heartache of the past has a way of making you relive it over and over again. That is a space I do not wish to dwell; however only highlighting the good would be untrue to my journey. I'm working towards finding Balance.

3. I am private; but if my experience will be a help to someone else, Empathy takes over and I become an open book. Yet with some things I want to write, I can not compromise the privacy of "others" who may not share my stance.

4. For the sake of sounding Arrogant. Honestly, some of the things I hear or read I think to myself; "that's so ignorant!" Or "they can't be serious?", most recently I've encountered people who approach me a certain type of way and initially I think they are trying to insult my intelligence; then I began to "dig deeper" and I had to ask myself, "are they Really THAT stupid?! O_o". But that's not "nice" right? On the other hand, it may just be a "lack of awareness" so I should show love and compassion. Although, I'm doing my very best, I find it most difficult to be nice to "niggas", "bitches" and "assholes". When I find myself dealing with them I have to remind myself not to "hate" the people; no matter how much I despise the behavior/characteristics they choose to display.

5. Keeping #4 in mind; from my experience most people don't like "corrective criticism", correction, being reprimanded or "friendly advice". It seems, this world only recognizes Sugar or Salt. There's more seasonings you know.... I am Honest, at times I think "to a fault", meaning I am mindful of the words I choose however I don't "Sugar Coat 'Shit'" never have and will not begin to do so now. Years ago I told someone "you're not gonna give me cake with shit on top and convince me it's frosting"; say what you mean and mean what you say, just do it in/with Love.

As I express my challenges, I think I may be able to overcome them with patience, understanding and love. I'll begin with the 6 (six) posts sitting in the Drafts.

Keeping the Faith (no longer depending on "wishes" and/or "luck"). In the meantime, feel free to keep in touch via "social media":

Instagram: KingKamille3
Tumblr: ShoesEqualAmore
Twitter: KingKamille3

Peace & Blessings

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