Check In: "Team Abstinence"

I'm floating within a-sexual, mono-sexual, bi-sexual and of course heterosexual. But I don't want to be/ choose just one. 

I love mono-sexuality because I've been fucking as well as "making love" to myself since I was hmmm 9 or 10 years old; I've mastered it, yet as time passes I learn new, fun ways to please myself (very well). Lately, I've been able to climax from thoughts or fantasies and most recently, from stimulating a desired feeling. I feel as if that "feature" has become my new "toy". Reminds me of when I got the "hood" of my clit pierced; simply walking became orgasmic and highly pleasurable. 

bi is for fantasy, fun and pleasure. A way to connect with another Goddess in the most intimate way. Exchanging sacred, divine energy and ancient secrets through the Heart, "Yoni" and 3rd eye portals. I recall my first experience with a girl, we were extremely young, perhaps 5 or 6 years old. We were in the back of my house in Compton, California (I loved that house); we had a garden, so she and I went out back to play and tend to the "harvest". Well, I'm not sure how it started, but I do remember us touching each other's vaginas and hers looked and felt like a peach. Same complexion and everything. She was beautiful and we were best friends, I don't know if we went any further or if that happened more than the one time. But I do remember when other girl friends tried to step over that line with me. I played "dumb" for obvious reasons. That is until High School when my "new" best friend would show her puss on a regular; it because hilarious because I'd never let on how it made me feel or the thoughts it sparked. I remember one day we were at her boyfriends house and I was watching television while they were having sex. Then he comes out, ass naked and asked if I wanted to join. Me being a virgin at the time I politely declined and she came out naked to coheres me; to no avail. Although I adore (many) Women, I'm not interested in a bi or polygamist relationship, for various reasons. 

Hetero of course is necessary and fulfilling.  The look, touch, feel, smell, weight of a Man on top, behind, underneath as He's inside of me. Touching my most sacred, treasured, protected space. As if He reaches my Heart from the inside of my Soul, I could never give that up, nor do I have any desire to. Coupled with the magic of procreation and its an instant panty changer/ dropper. I often feel mixed emotions with Men because their sexual experience can differ from that of a Woman due to the fact He's entering while She's being entered. That brings a ton of feelings, emotions, hormones and chemicals into the equation and I'm not always sure when it's one-sided. Leaving me wanting more than what is being offered; yet less than what I feel I deserve. 

The only one I don't care much for is a-sexual; it scares me because I'd likely put on a chastity belt and forget all about my vagina. In its defense, however being a-sexual is a plus when I'm on "Team Abstinence". I've done that approximately 4 times in my life, the most recent being last year. Initially I was pleased with my Self for making the promise and sticking to it (for the most part). That was actually the first time I ever had any regrets concerning my decision to abstain from sex. I felt/ feel as if it stifled a promising relationship; I think I was so hyped on my principles and may have been a bit on the "holier than thou" side of the fence rather than making adjustments as/ if necessary to accommodate any "budding romance". 

Lesson learned. 

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