
“Be the light. Touch the world. Give people your power to see. Show them your soul.”

It’s interesting to see the growth in the girl who began this blog, realizing some beliefs that no longer serve me and how I have learned to recognize their origin. Becoming a woman is not an easy task; I think the most appreciated change has been maturity in various aspects of the word. I am learning to “be the light” and the more challenging, “give people your power to see”; I tend to like to stay low-key. People are often surprised (irl) when they discover a talent or gift that I possess, although it may be something I’m extremely familiar with I may shy away from the exposure or attention. I’m working on that, even in my sharing on this blog as well as the other. Oftentimes I have thoughts of writing or words to share and I’ll talk myself out of it, for fear of the unknown…

One of my goals for the new year is to be more expressive in my writing, sharing and in my daily life. I suppose that’s the “show them your soul” aspect of the above quote. That’s the part that scares me the most; which some would say is the reason I have to, but the amount of vulnerability required holds me back. Yet when I think about it I have flashbacks of moments in this life where I have held back my thoughts and/or feelings for various reasons and as the scenario played out I was not 100% satisfied with the outcomes. Like the saying goes, “youth is wasted on the young”; for had I known then the lessons I’ve learned along the way I would be so much further in various areas of development. i don’t quite know how else to make sure the future doesn’t repeat certain “mistakes” of the past other than to dive into my heart and expose my soul. It’s as if the Universe has conspired to make me do just that.

So as this year comes to an end and the new year approaches I intend to plan dates for 2018 along with acknowledging milestones and memories, in addition to goals set forth in an effort to do my best with regard to my higher self and greatest good. That sounds simplistic; however I have a feeling it may be one of my greatest challenges yet.  Perhaps the mission is to discover the root of these beliefs which have hindered me from baring my soul thus far. Maybe that’s how it begins, uncovering blockages within myself which are expressed in the form of guarding my heart and soul from the world. Only the days of next year will tell and shape a future of complete transparency.

Blessings to you and your loved ones today as well as throughout the "holiday" season and coming year 💗✨