"These are my confessions"

I need to work at "getting to the point", honestly I believe that's for casual relationships. However, in business and/or personal relationships you should enjoy sharing the details. Improper sharing may result in casualties, oftentimes at your own expense (is that a coincidence?).

I believe presentation is extremely important. To the point, if a dish isn't visually appealing, I can't eat it. Some will say, "that's unreasonable", I agree to disagree and move on to the next thing. Yet, I can be unreasonable with other things. I don't always recognize it so I usually asks randumbly. I've learned, or so it seems, when I have to ask if I'm being unreasonable, oftentimes it's because I am.

Here's a weird, fun fact: I consider #Insomnia to be one of my best friends. We met during my first pregnancy. I had a job, full schedule of classes and I was becoming a single mother (and I hated kids, smh)... I couldn't figure out how I'd manage and I would tell myself (pray), "you've gotta figure out a way to make all of this work or I don't know what I'll do". Gradually I noticed I was sleeping less, at times not at all. It became my study partner and before I knew it, we were inseparable. It keeps me on my toes and at times informs me of opportunities while others are sleeping; however now that Anxiety barged into the circle, things aren't quite the same. Insomnia and I are out of sync, and I want it back how it was. For example, in an attempt to get rid of Anxiety (unwanted "guests" are THEE worst!) coupled with the excitement of The Sabbath, I decided to take a bath and wash my hair. It's about 3am which is the perfect time for meditation, devotion, prayer, etc. i feel as if the world is almost silent and the space of love and peace gently fills the room. It's absolutely magical.

Now it's about 5:30am and I'm finally allowing the water to drain from my tub, judge if you want, #MermaidProblems. In my mind it would be inconsiderate to begin blow drying "my" hair, so I take a moment and pray. Up until now, I've only shared this with a handful of people, I realize how insensitive adults can be so I rarely share intimate details about myself. With that said, I hope it's a bit easier to understand the delay in posts, however I am learning how to share and striving to do better. Okay, back to the point, I developed eczema as a result of this Anxiety Disorder, as the stressors of life increases the eczema spreads. Well, it's now in my scalp attempting to attack MY hair. Most days I'm okay with this reality, other times, not so much. This is the type of stuff I prefer to keep to myself. I figure , I don't like to complain, no one cares and some will just "wish" it got worse for me. We all know the type lmao.

So now it's about 7am and I figure that's a reasonable time to complete my tasks. I then have a thought, "if you finish your hair in time you could hike before church". I entertained it for a minute or two, I even thought of a FB post requesting prayer that I don't "overdo it", I then thought of taking a nap, which lead to the thought "quit playin', you'll oversleep, won't wake up in time then blame Insomnia for keeping you up all night/morning". So it's now a little after 8:15am and I've already taken a bath, washed, conditioned and blow dried my hair, cleaned my bathroom and typed this post on my phone.

As the scripture states, "forsake not the assembling of yourselves..." and sense I understand "obedience is better than sacrifice" I'm going to set my alarm, say my prayers and take this nap so I can be refreshed and renewed for everything God has for me as I praise, worship and fellowship today.

I pray we all make it to our appointed destinations safe and soundly, protected from all dangers (seen and unseen), I pray The Lord comforts minds and hearts, I pray for understanding, knowledge, love, peace, respect and truth to touch every person who desires "a closer walk with Thee", I pray these words prick a heart and allows the love of The Most High to come in. All of these things I pray in Jesus name, Amen!


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