Morning Thoughts: Friday, May 24, 2013

After writing I have this "habit" of proof reading several times before hitting "publish" some posts I have to "sleep" on to make sure it's coming from the proper tone & space. For this I attribute (no longer placing "blame" or pointing fingers) the lovely OCD and those often amusing Perfectionist tendencies. Last night, rather this Morning was one of those times. After reading it with various perspectives in mind, i decided to publish and share. I felt as if the tone was appropriate and those words wanted to get out; along with a few other posts i am organizing in my thoughts. I had a little trouble sleeping as i could not get my Mind to "shut down", finally the many techniques work and I'm off to my Dreams. I awoke to compliments, new "followers" and an offer to join a blogging network. 

I am humbled, thankful and grateful to God for the gift He has entrusted in me. I'm still in awe of the relationship I've built with Christ; to know that He hears me, captures every tear, comforts me when I feel ______ (which is often); then sends People (who will allow themselves to be Loving) to come along and spread/show Love and when you think He's done enough He pours out a blessing (see Malachi, Chapter 3; Holy Bible) that truly "takes the cake". The type of thing that only He can do and because He knows the inner parts of your Mind, Heart and their Desires, he customizes them just for you. 

It is in moments such as this that I "count it all joy" to call myself a member of "the body of Christ", not as someone who is "holier than thou"; or without flaws, but as a vessel to be used to spread Love, Empathy, Mercy as well as Provoke Thought when the opportunity presents itself and as the Spirit leads me. Once again, I have tears, there have been many this week; all with different meanings and emotions attached. I am amazed to know that when you think "all hope is gone" or that no one is there or you ask yourself "does anyone care?"; it's in those times that God will send you the Peace that passes Understanding. 

The other thing that switched for me, and may be a help to someone reading this: change your focus, time and attention from those who aren't doing/saying/being the way you'd like them to be towards you and focus on the ones who are. Even if its only yourself, who better to take care of you than you :)

Be Blessed, but more importantly be a Blessing one to AnOther. I pray; in Jesus name. Amen. 

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