Check In: "Team Abstinence"

I'm floating within a-sexual, mono-sexual, bi-sexual and of course heterosexual. But I don't want to be/ choose just one. 

I love mono-sexuality because I've been fucking as well as "making love" to myself since I was hmmm 9 or 10 years old; I've mastered it, yet as time passes I learn new, fun ways to please myself (very well). Lately, I've been able to climax from thoughts or fantasies and most recently, from stimulating a desired feeling. I feel as if that "feature" has become my new "toy". Reminds me of when I got the "hood" of my clit pierced; simply walking became orgasmic and highly pleasurable. 

bi is for fantasy, fun and pleasure. A way to connect with another Goddess in the most intimate way. Exchanging sacred, divine energy and ancient secrets through the Heart, "Yoni" and 3rd eye portals. I recall my first experience with a girl, we were extremely young, perhaps 5 or 6 years old. We were in the back of my house in Compton, California (I loved that house); we had a garden, so she and I went out back to play and tend to the "harvest". Well, I'm not sure how it started, but I do remember us touching each other's vaginas and hers looked and felt like a peach. Same complexion and everything. She was beautiful and we were best friends, I don't know if we went any further or if that happened more than the one time. But I do remember when other girl friends tried to step over that line with me. I played "dumb" for obvious reasons. That is until High School when my "new" best friend would show her puss on a regular; it because hilarious because I'd never let on how it made me feel or the thoughts it sparked. I remember one day we were at her boyfriends house and I was watching television while they were having sex. Then he comes out, ass naked and asked if I wanted to join. Me being a virgin at the time I politely declined and she came out naked to coheres me; to no avail. Although I adore (many) Women, I'm not interested in a bi or polygamist relationship, for various reasons. 

Hetero of course is necessary and fulfilling.  The look, touch, feel, smell, weight of a Man on top, behind, underneath as He's inside of me. Touching my most sacred, treasured, protected space. As if He reaches my Heart from the inside of my Soul, I could never give that up, nor do I have any desire to. Coupled with the magic of procreation and its an instant panty changer/ dropper. I often feel mixed emotions with Men because their sexual experience can differ from that of a Woman due to the fact He's entering while She's being entered. That brings a ton of feelings, emotions, hormones and chemicals into the equation and I'm not always sure when it's one-sided. Leaving me wanting more than what is being offered; yet less than what I feel I deserve. 

The only one I don't care much for is a-sexual; it scares me because I'd likely put on a chastity belt and forget all about my vagina. In its defense, however being a-sexual is a plus when I'm on "Team Abstinence". I've done that approximately 4 times in my life, the most recent being last year. Initially I was pleased with my Self for making the promise and sticking to it (for the most part). That was actually the first time I ever had any regrets concerning my decision to abstain from sex. I felt/ feel as if it stifled a promising relationship; I think I was so hyped on my principles and may have been a bit on the "holier than thou" side of the fence rather than making adjustments as/ if necessary to accommodate any "budding romance". 

Lesson learned. 

Energy- There's More To It.

Seems the new bandwagon phenomenon has everyone talking about "energy" and how you should pay attention to the energy someone is showing you. I agree however there are a few components that should not be overlooked or counted out. 

1. Frequency- although energy is important, without considering how (in)frequent the energy is coming your way you could very well be misinterpreting the sentiments and/ or thoughts expressed. 

2. Vibration- how does the type/ style of energy, the level of frequency and the "vibe" make you feel? If it's all good, I say "play on". If it's okay, I'd make adjustments and if it's bad/ not good, welp. 

3. Wavelength- to me this is the most important factor; if the energy, frequency and vibe are consistent yet meaningless/ thoughtless/ careless/ reckless/ etc. I'd rather do without however if the energy and vibe are meaningful, thoughtful, mindful, etc. I can overlook (in)frequency within reason. 

How do you feel about this concept? Do your views differ? If so, how? in what way? I'd love to hear/ read your thoughts. 

Fun Facts About MeSheHer... Kamille

FunFact(s): for "shits & giggles" I like to think of what I refer to as "randomness" and #translate it into other languages. lately I've been basking in French; I think I'm becoming #obsessed with France (OCDlife), partly because, "it's France, duh" lol 

along with (I'm not sure how "well known" this is, but) one of the origins of the name "Kamille" is French and it was commonly a masculine name meaning FreeBorn, Noble and in other translations Perfect.  

Clearly you can get a glimpse of the neurosis which are myThoughts; it was predestined (lmao)

App: @textcutieofficial #TextCutie 

*photo of my last published translation/ thought/ expression shared on my Twitter September 4, 2014. 

The Shape of My Heart

These feelings are uniquely unfamiliar; I've felt them before, many times;  but never to this magnitude. I recall this space, but typically the trip is over before I'm fully settled and had a chance to unpack my bags completely. I no longer recognize the shape of my Heart, it's been stretched to the point that it's unrecognizable to me. It's as if it's fully open, which frightens me; I suppose due to the amount of vulnerability it requires.  To think I'd get to be "a woman of a certain age" and finally begin to understand (slightly) what it means to love.  Not in the cliché sense of the term, this is something altogether different. I feel brand new to love; as if all of the hurts from the past have been erased. 

A few days ago I posted on my Facebook that I'd given all of my "ugly Hurts" their "pretty Wings"; to be honest, I thought I was just being clever by playing on the words and songs of two of my favorite artist ("Pretty Hurts" - Beyonce and "Pretty Wings" - Maxwell). What I didn't consider in my banter was the sincerity in my Heart as well as the truth in my intention, because it seemed to release me from a lot of the baggage of unpleasant feelings regarding my past and the people associated with them. After much thought I realize this love which started within, from/ for/ towards my Self had spilled over; allowing me to actually love Others, unconditionally.   I pray this level of excitement isn't short lived; however as I reflect on recent days I am made aware that this is often the temperament of my Being upon awakening each morning; of course before the effects and activity of the day takes hold. 

To say this has been a very "trying" few years would be an understatement; nonetheless I am appreciatative, grateful and thankful for my Family, Friends, "Well Wishers" and "Supporters". I only wish the love is felt in the way my Heart feels to express it. I suppose that's the challenge with unfamiliar territory; the adjusting, alterations and readjustments. 

As I gather my Thoughts and make an attempt to organize my schedule as well as re-evaluate my daily/ weekly routine(s); I wanted to make sure to take a moment to acknowledge as well as say prayers for my Family, entirely. Although the tests and trails are many, I know that The Lord will not put more upon us than we can bare, with Love, Faith and Unity; I know that "...all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)" along with "I (We) can do all this through him who gives me (us) strength. (Philippians 4:13 NIV)". 

I would also like to extend that sentiment to you and your Family/ Loved Ones as you read my words; as I do pray for each person who encounters the Blog in addition to the other Social Media sites I contribute to. Hoping that the things I choose to share are in some way helpful in brightening your day or providing insight or whatever. As I find it easier to express my Self, I am also learning, or should I say, accepting the way my Being may affect/ effect someone else along their journey through this maze of Life. It is quite humbling and at times overwhelming as my goal is truly to be myself; not exactly "unapologetically", because my intention is not to offend. The word, authentically comes to mind; as I'm not setting out to please people, I am simply documenting my thoughts, feelings, understanding in an attempt to share my experiences. I believe it's vital for people to know "you are not alone", "I can relate" not to mention "I've been there, here's some red flags so you can learn from my 'mistakes'". 

As I've shared in previous posts my overall goal when my Life is all "said and done" and I am "face to face" with my Creator "'His (Her) master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25:23 NIV)". 

Understanding the divine balance of Being a Soul/ Spirit experiencing a Human existence, with all that entails. Needless to say, I am a "work in progress" and I Thank You for accompanying me as I navigate my Self, my Life and my Experiences in such a way that also helps me to overcome the battles which are associated with the Anxiety Disorder along with my (many) other strengths, lessor strengths, disorders, flaws, etc. 

Enjoy your Day. Namasté :)

Today's Color Therapy

feeling some shade of Blue in the moment. definitely not Indigo. i just looked at a color chart and the one that stuck out the most; or should I say, the one I was drawn to the most was Midnight Blue. it feels accurate, for reasons. 

after a short "trip" down Memory Lane and a pit stop at a Pity Party hosted by "Trying To Figure Something Out" and a few side effects of Insomnia; I am making a Conscious effort to pull my Self out of it. so far holding my Rose Quartz seems to be helping a little, Well actually they're helping a lot. 

The great thing is depression is at bay and I am encouraged to continue my Day; possibly engage in Team Fitness as well as a bit of "Team Of Me" in addition to "Team Us" (with the Fam) as I am aware that when you're feeling a little Blue, the Pink and Yellow helps. 

*queues up "Yellow" by Coldplay*

I also figured it always help to spread a bit of positive energy especially in those moments when you need them the most. hope you all are enjoying your Friday! 

Spell Check

I'm curious; or rather questioning my thought(s) and decided to allow them to flourish.

Do you find yourself using your words to "cast" torment/ misfortune upon your Self and/or Others (deformation) or are you speaking blessings and good will/ tidings to your Self and/ or Others (affirmations)?

As I've awakened my Core along with (Concious Effort) towards managing a healthy Chakra balance I find myself much more sensitive to words than ever before. I recall as a child if someone (an Authority Figure) spoke harshly to me I would sincerely cry; as a result I rarely received spankings, if I were to count the number in total it would be far less than "average" and viewed as either "laughable" or "spoiled"; however when a peer used harsh words with me I'd return the sentiment and overall I've had approximately 5 (give or take, as I'm relying on my Memory) physical altercations from Elementary through High School. As a Young Adult (20- 25) I've had literally a couple of "tussles", but nothing worthy of a second glance. And the thought of anything escalating to that point after 25 years old never entered my Mind. For the most part I've created a habit of choosing my Words in the form of Honesty, Truth, Facts and the ultimate, Scripture to "fight my battles" for me.   

About a month ago I had to face an extremely unpleasant situation, which was inevitable (the situation not the experience). After all was said and done I vented on my Facebook page my irritation and "hatred" for having to endure such discomfort and imo, foolishness. Once it was posted my "friends" Anxiety, OCD and the Perfectionist came through to over-analyze my expression. As I read and re-read the entry I found myself getting sadder, madder and more disgusted each time. Once I realized it I quickly deleted the post and in it's place stated something funny, silly or happy; I don't remember exactly. As I thought of the words to express I felt my mood improve and as I completed and pressed "post" I felt good about what I was saying/ sharing with those who will scroll through my "feed". 

Recently as the amount of stress is ever present varying in levels from day to day as well as moment to moment, I'm finding my tolerance toward the "triggers" has gotten lower and lower. As I have become aware, this is a dangerous Space for me as there are only two experiences that typically follow this "chain of unfortunate events"; either I'm going to "pop off" at the mouth and say things I'd wanted to leave unsaid; in an attempt to consider the affects as well as the possible effects of my words or I continue to "overlook" the offenses, irritation and/ or negative energy resulting in the experience of Anxiety or Panic Attack. Lately I've been experiencing a state of "Sensory Overload", where my Body has become quite easily affected by loudness, brightness, sounds (more specifically, noise) and smells. Even to the point that when touched I can feel any sensation ranging from extremely aroused or on the other end of the spectrum, absolutely disgusted depending on the energy as well as the intent. The other thing that comes into play is my level of comfort and respect for my personal space and boundaries (I'll share more on that topic "soon"). 

So I suppose that's where the curiousity comes in; do you feel the effects of unpleasant energy/ words in your Being? And/ or are you aware of how that energy is manifesting in your Living Experience? I've read a few times about the experiment with freezing water after attaching certain words to them and how the result ranged from "artistic" to "distorted". Can you imagine how the inside of our Brain, Heart and overall Being would look on the inside if we were to cut ourselves open to explore the effects of days, weeks, months and/or years of negativity or on the bright side, positivity!

Well if you take a look at the world outside your window (and by "window" I'm referring to your Eyes as they are believed to be the "windows of your Soul"), what do you see? Is the glass half empty or half full? Do you even see the glass? I say that because in a resent exchange on Social Media I was accused of "projecting" something onto an Other. My response to that was simply "your perception is your reality"; which makes me think of that old saying "if a Tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"  Well yes, it not only makes a sound, it also effects the Space around it. In the event the majority of your words are full of "shade", gossip, bullshit, lies, opinions, etc the manifestation will most likely be a poor existence in one, some or many areas of your Being; whether mentally, physically, emotionally, interpersonally (socially) and/ or financially. 

By no means am I saying to only use "pretty" words or anything along those lines (I.e: fluff, bullshit, empty promises or "blowing smoke up someone's ass"); however as my "Auntie" (in my Head) Iyanla Vanzant would say "call a thing a thing". Being straightforward and honest with your intentions and/or expectations goes a long way. It also cuts down the assumptions, misunderstandings and overall confusion. On the flip side, the struggle I have can be expressed if I truly took heed to the words of my other "Auntie" (in my Head) Wendy Williams, who daily encourages us to "say it like you mean it". In my attempt to spare the feelings or whatever of others I was expressing a lack of value towards my own (aka neglecting). My perspective was not from a Space of low self esteem or inferiority, but on the extreme opposite as a method of taking "the high road". I have been aware of many of my personality traits for quite some time thanks to my unique experience with "Only Child Syndrome" lol I'd rather not go into details about that at this time, but I'm sure I'll recall a funny story or something in which to introduce that "Character" to the Blog.  

Lastly, I wanted to offer an exchange of sort; I challenge you (speaking in general) to replace the term "hate" with speaking of the opposite, which is what you "love" giving focus to the positive while dismissing (rebuking) the negative. In addition there of course are (insert common noun here) that we truly dislike; and that's fine/ okay/ acceptable. However, let's say we limited the amount of expressions of "dislike" to what is absolutely necessary. I find some people only seem to express what they dislike and to be quite "frank", "that's that shit I don't like". It seems rather than spending countless hours and energy on what is disliked, the focus and intent could be used toward something of value and/ or meaning. I've been practicing the exchange of my "dislikes" for things "I would rather" be doing. After making that shift, I've felt a difference; it's still developing so as I continue to make my observations I will share my findings at some point I'm sure. 

Hopefully, something I've shared may have sparked your own thoughts, feelings, insights, experiences regarding the topic; if so I'd love to know how (if at all) you were effected. 

Be Well & Thrive as you approach your day, I pray you have a good one. 


photo credit: from the_nail_polish_addict on Instagram. If you have the opportunity, check out her page, it is beyond words to/ for me. Full of positive motivation along with Divine inspiration.