Galaxy of Love

Not long after "Strawberry Kisses" I shared the story with a friend who'd often expressed that I had become her "woman crush"; however due to her circumstances I'd always thought she was playing. Well, I learned shortly after that how serious she was. 

One night after getting the "hood" of my clit pierced we were chilling, drinking 151 Rum; straight (if memory serves me correctly). So she began to share how she was hurt and always fantasied/ thought that she'd be my first. Before things got too emotional her significant other changes the subject back to my piercing; I don't remember who asked, but show and tell was requested. Next thing I know tongues are exploring my clit, piercing and pussy. The sensations were like nothing I'd ever experienced. Before I lost myself in the ecstasy and Rum I decided to make my exit. 

She drove me home, but made sure to "69" in the back seat before she allowed me to leave (lol). Our relationship lasted about 6 months of teaching, exploring as well as being Loved and in Love. However, I left that 151 alone.