Blackberry Love

"had an epiphany! the love we share is so real, if only I met a man who I could love as much as my blackberry *sigh* it 'completes me' "

Okay it started as a joke in my facebook status but as the responses came in about how crazy (I assume in the funny as well as mentally unstable use of the word) I am I began to actually give my statement some thought.

For starters Blackberry and I have been together since around 2004 (give or take) that's 6 years which is light-years longer than any of my recent relationships; which usually tap out around the 1 year mark however due to laziness, comfort, routine, etc I'll continue to entertain an 'ole faithful' so I won't be forced to actually date or meet new people. Both of which are my least favorite things to do mainly because dating and meeting new people reminds me of how 'different' I really am: humor, logic, emotions, etc are very much unlike 99.9% of others especially those in my age bracket and I refuse to go too much older.

Most men I've come across ages 26-35 are still playing games, unable to commit, unfocused, selfish, self- centered, socially retarded, unrealistic, I really could continue but I won't. One person in particular expressed how he 'wanted to have a baby' when asked about marriage he said he'd 'never envisioned being married, just more kids' so clearly his logic is irrational. wanting to have more children is perfectly fine and normal as a person reaches a certain age HOWEVER being that age and not factoring the importance of the complete family structure prior to PLANNING to procreate makes absolutely NO sense to most sane individuals. This is the same person who expressed his ideal relationship would be a long-term, casual situation at his whim yet doesn't understand why the women he dates leave him once they realize they are in an anti-climatic relationship. *side- eye*.

There's are a few key elements to explain the love I have for my blackberry that I have yet to find in a man:

Evolution: my 1st BB was cool, fun, gave me just enough to keep me happy with all of its 'bells & whistles' which often made me forget about the few things it lacked which in comparison to what it brought to the table made me laugh and totally forget about the flip phone I'd left behind. Many years and versions later my BB lacks nothing, it actually has so much to offer and at one point I thought it had TOO MANY apps, tools, options for me to handle until an occasions arises and lo & behold its in that 'ah ha' moment that I understand that's exactly what I need. Like in a relationship when you need more that a cuddle buddy or a guy with great sex or the 'big spender' its the guy that possesses all of those qualities and knows which hat to wear for each occasion so to speak. The man who can be my friend, lover, teacher, student, warrior, companion, etc all wrapped together to be the man I need in the exact moment I need him. Not at all saying he's perfect because I'm not looking for perfection I'm interested in the one who is perfect FOR me. The man who is able to challenge my mind, conquer my body, dive into my soul and steal my heart.

Dependable: the brand I've learned to trust. I know that my shits gonna work whenever, wherever, however, whatever and if for some reason I'm not happy with what my BB is giving me I'm able to communicate my issue and we work together to find an outcome that gives us both what we want. Mainly because BB appreciates me, doesn't want to be without me and actually gives a damn how I view our exchange. Proving time and time again that I matter! Which is all a gurl really wants.

Intriguing: there's probably 20 versions of the blackberry not to mention its competitors but for some reason out of all of my options I only have eyes for it. Other phones may have a million gimmicks or offer other characteristics that appeal to whomever but no matter what else is available I look forward to what I have and for any reason I feel a bit dissatisfied I know the answer/solution is just a phone call away. And each time I feel restless or I'm seduced by the 'grass being greener' BB does something whether its a new design or feature that reminds me why I fell in love to begin with. Oddly enough unlike its counterparts the 'new' features blend well and becomes apart of the old frame creating a new, better, upgraded version of what I already loved.

I could go on but I won't but I am reminded of a part of a conversation I had the other night in regards to why I'm still single and the fact that the majority of my peers (friends & family) are married or at least have been married (some are divorced, going through a divorce or if they were honest with themselves shouldn't have gotten married to begin with). The truth is I've been engaged, I've had THE conversations which lead to the proposal and I honestly believe I want to be HAPPILY married 'til death do us part' like the vows state, maybe I do want the fairy tail but what's wrong with that? I refuse to date down! I will not settle! And most importantly I love me so if there isn't anyone who will understand, grow with, love me the way I am then it is what it is but certain things can not & should not be compromised. My heart is one of those things.

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