
"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." 
- Rumi*

At the end of Summer 2012 I underwent surgery;  at the time I believed it was in my best interest.  Yet about 3 months later clouds of vanity interrupted the practical reality of the pain and suffering (physically as well as financially) caused by the issue in the first place.  I believe I have finally reached a space in my Being where I understand how that could be classified as a "flaw".  Nevertheless, my humanity is unhappy with the scars and pain that I deal with years later.  As a woman of a certain age, my Body has begun different changes that I have yet to grow accustomed to; along with my other issues, things have gotten a bit overwhelming.  Some days I remember my youth with fondness, however as I am typing these words which are coming from an unfamiliar space, I realize, I am still young!  Acknowledging my battle with Severe Depression is tough for a (self-diagnosed) Narcissist, but somehow the two exist within.  Funny because it seems as if it would be an impossibility to think so highly of yourself yet doubt and/or second guess every word, thought and decision. I suppose that's where the Anxiety Disorder and OCD comes in.  

I find myself feeling open, wounded, hurt, at times sad; but hopeful and overall content.  I recall spurts of happiness during the day as I find various adventures to keep my Mind along with my Self simulated throughout the Day and into the Evening.  Lately, I've been a bit more of an extrovert which is a huge stretch for me.  I guess that's where the duality, or perhaps "yin/ yang" balance comes into play.  Suddenly, I had the thought to check my Birth Chart (for the millionth time); this time was filled with clarity and a renewed understanding, as if I were reading the words with all of my Eyes completely open (Third Eye included). While reading each section I began to understand my Self (Mind, Body & Soul) on a new level, as if there was a paradigm shift and my Consciousness elevated in that very moment.  

I am still adjusting to my age change, luckily, or should I say thankfully I am not in a negative space regarding it.  I took a few years to prepare for it I suppose.  I've actually been enjoying exciting "Birthday" shenanigans all month long.  I mentioned in a previous entry how I'd been praying for multiple years for something by a particular "age" and after facing the possibility of the truth of how God is truly a "prayer answering God", I am in awe to have the capacity of thought to pull many of the pieces together to support decisions as well as prayers I've made.  It brings to mind the "Law of Attraction" as well as other Spiritual and Universal Laws. Confirming the philosophy of "when you make a decision, the entire Universe conspires to bring it to pass" (I'm paraphrasing).  Simply meaning I believe I am in-tune with an awesome frequency which is allowing me to see as well as process things from a alternative perspective.  

Now I'm beginning to feel as if I've shared too much, or maybe I should've written this in a journal, etc. (there I go second guessing again).  I've decided to stop.   I don't want to spend days, weeks, months away any longer.  I desire to catalog my journey as I've discussed in many of the previous post; as well as the "headline" states.  Rather than spending countless moments re-writing and editing, I'd like to allow my fingers to dance with my heart.  The words on the page should be their reflection, at least that's the mindset I try to have when I write, especially writing to share with you all.  I feel connected, not concerned (completely) with the number of "readers", but more of establishing a relationship.  I feel as if through various channels for social media I've become a little more familiar, looking forward to engaging a bit more this year.  I truly wish to show my growth, not because I think I have matured overnight, but because I would like to reflect on my earlier writing and circumstances and see a true difference.  For example:  Without any forethought I realized I stopped watching television.  Last Fall I was totally anticipating the return of Scandal, as well as the premier of a few other shows;  I believe I've shared this before in a previous entry, nonetheless, I was not impressed with the beginning of the season and could barely stay awake for a few of the other shows I used to adore. Next thing I know, we're approaching Spring and I rarely watch anything other than a football game (Seattle SeaHawks!) or a few glances of a movie or something if I'm visiting and someone is watching something. Without a doubt there is definitely a difference in my focus as well as the amount of information that comes to mind on a regular basis.

I suppose although I am not fully satisfied with the outcome of a decision and the aftermath of it I am learning to heal the wounds rather than pouring salt in them.  Allowing the Light to penetrate the sadness as opposed to letting the depression get the best of me as I have done in the past.  Realizing that although my lower self is preoccupied with a superficial condition; the rest of me understands it was for the best and overall I must live with the outcome of those choices.  Of course it would be so much easier if "Back To The Future" were really possible.  Like, if I could do things over again, how many of my choices would remain the same? That simple question makes me think about multiple aspects of my life and the follow up is "are you settling?"...

Now that's a whole other story. lol...

*quote found on @Rumi_Quote's Twitter page

Sprinkles of Sanity

The other day I chose not to take my medication.  I don't know how long or often that will be the case since I have been feeling extremely stressed; regarding various issues I am facing.  In addition to the accomplishments of November 2014; I believe I may have put a bit too much pressure on myself, yet in those moments I knew I was doing the "right" things.  Checking off various tasks on a to-do list as well as truly seeing strides taken toward a vision I've dreamed of was quite astonishing.  At least for me.  With that, I found myself in December 2014 in a state of unpreparedness, as everything was quite new, unfamiliar and moved at a more rapid pace than I have been accustomed to. Although I experience "deja vu" more often than I used to, I am still learning how to put the puzzle together appropriately.  My desire is to continue on the path, as well as enjoy the journey God has chosen for me.

This has been interesting the past few months as my Birthdate approached; I found myself more in-tuned with my Self yet a bit distant and distracted from Others.  I feel as if various connections have been severed or interrupted without my knowledge or consent (fully).  I find myself unable to discern my next steps which I don't recall experiencing in over a decade.  I had an encouraging conversation with a good friend as well as delightful exchanges with my Love Guru (#1) and (#2).  For the most part, I am still processing the wisdom shared, along with "downloading" the necessary understanding and knowledge from the Universe (GOD). I feel as if He has a plan paved out for me and I am finally in a sense walking in it.  Although religion teaches a quite rigid relationship with the Creator, I find my personal walk to be extremely cohesive as We are Co-Creating my destiny (thanks to free will).  I won't go too deep into my thoughts on that, but I am grateful for the mercy, grace, favor and understanding God shows to me (as well as those of you who acknowledge those things in your life).

While meditating I had an idea to "hibernate" for the duration of Mercury Retrograde, however, after giving it some thought I realized it's been quite some time since I've allowed my Body to truly relax and not stress. Honestly with Anxiety Disorder and Severe Depression it seems to be an impossible thing to expect of myself.  Yet, I am determined to try.  I do not know how this hibernation will be structured, nor do I know how much of the Spiritual aspects I will chose to share.  Just know that I do intend to stay in touch through this outlet (The Blog) as well as social media.

The thought actually came to me a few days ago initially.  After a change in my medication, I felt as if lately my coping skills are vastly different from what they once were; especially since I've discovered I have a condition classified as HyperSensitivity. Since that's been an issue (until now I've chosen not to discuss, except with a few) I did not know how to bring it up.  Typically I am vague with my specific issues and conditions as I feel too exposed to manipulation based on my personality as well as how the disorders affect me.  Now at times I believe I should be more open and vulnerable, I've mentioned it in prior entries; then other times I believe I should keep some things to myself or in journals as well as the makings of a Book (or a few).  I guess in those instances, time will tell.

To be continued...

Trouble Thinking

Before I realized it a month had passed without Blogging; although it wasn't intentional, I feel some type of way about it.  I thought about transferring my thoughts from my journal(s), however I wanted to share something new, fresh and from the heart.  Trouble is, my heart is dealing with a few things that are too personal to share at the moment; perhaps as time goes on there will be more things that I can talk about, but for now...

Crazy how things seem to unfold,  I prayed for many years for something with a deadline attached, I already know the "law of attraction" as well as that old saying "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it"... Well, it's too soon to tell, but I think (one of my many) prayers has been answered.  Unfortunately, the timing has me second guessing and reconsidering; which makes me feel as if I am being ungrateful or unreasonable in processing this possible change in my life.  Maybe the word I'm looking for is selfishness?  I probably shouldn't even be typing this, however with a therapist no where in sight until the end of February or March, I don't feel as if it's that bad to share vaguely.  

With that said, I apologize if this post seems a bit cryptic, I probably shouldn't even "publish" it, but I felt the need to get the words out and since they seem to be flowing freely, I will let them live.  Once I have more insight and information I may open up a bit more and share in detail what I mean and how I am feeling, but for now I'll leave things as they are.

I've missed you all and I apologize for the late wishes, but nonetheless, Happy New Year! Hopefully it's filled with happiness, abundance and wisdom.