Morning Thoughts: Friday, May 24, 2013

After writing I have this "habit" of proof reading several times before hitting "publish" some posts I have to "sleep" on to make sure it's coming from the proper tone & space. For this I attribute (no longer placing "blame" or pointing fingers) the lovely OCD and those often amusing Perfectionist tendencies. Last night, rather this Morning was one of those times. After reading it with various perspectives in mind, i decided to publish and share. I felt as if the tone was appropriate and those words wanted to get out; along with a few other posts i am organizing in my thoughts. I had a little trouble sleeping as i could not get my Mind to "shut down", finally the many techniques work and I'm off to my Dreams. I awoke to compliments, new "followers" and an offer to join a blogging network. 

I am humbled, thankful and grateful to God for the gift He has entrusted in me. I'm still in awe of the relationship I've built with Christ; to know that He hears me, captures every tear, comforts me when I feel ______ (which is often); then sends People (who will allow themselves to be Loving) to come along and spread/show Love and when you think He's done enough He pours out a blessing (see Malachi, Chapter 3; Holy Bible) that truly "takes the cake". The type of thing that only He can do and because He knows the inner parts of your Mind, Heart and their Desires, he customizes them just for you. 

It is in moments such as this that I "count it all joy" to call myself a member of "the body of Christ", not as someone who is "holier than thou"; or without flaws, but as a vessel to be used to spread Love, Empathy, Mercy as well as Provoke Thought when the opportunity presents itself and as the Spirit leads me. Once again, I have tears, there have been many this week; all with different meanings and emotions attached. I am amazed to know that when you think "all hope is gone" or that no one is there or you ask yourself "does anyone care?"; it's in those times that God will send you the Peace that passes Understanding. 

The other thing that switched for me, and may be a help to someone reading this: change your focus, time and attention from those who aren't doing/saying/being the way you'd like them to be towards you and focus on the ones who are. Even if its only yourself, who better to take care of you than you :)

Be Blessed, but more importantly be a Blessing one to AnOther. I pray; in Jesus name. Amen. 


At times I've wanted to share all of the things I've been going through; however I was unsure of how much of the details to reveal as well as the awareness of the power words carry. As a believer of The Word (see John 1:1; Holy Bible), in addition to Spiritual Laws and experience I am extremely careful with the words I select. 

Question: Do you believe, the power to "speak" blessings and/or curses are possible? 

Funny, I recently heard someone speaking about the very topic (the details escape me); the point they made was in reference to the relationship between "Spells" and how we associate the formation of words as "Spelling". The speaker went on to say that the energy, emotion, motive/intent, etc. of the person speaking words into/over your life is very powerful. As in when/if someone were to "cast a spell" or direct a "curse" in your direction; or on the bright side, send Love or "Blessings" to you. Pretty simple, I think. 

About a month ago I had a thought that I should stop "cursing", then I remembered a post or blog entry from @brookandthecity (check her out on Twitter and where she explained how "f**k, sh*t, etc." aren't necessarily profane; while people claim "love" daily and don't mean it (please forgive my memory, I'm paraphrasing) that's the real profanity. Nonetheless that's absolutely true! People claim to love others yet should you observe their behavior and/or words towards those very people; the idea of Love would not enter your thoughts. 

I recall various times in my life where the subject of "Best Friend(s)" came up, everyone always seems shocked or offended when I disclose that I don't believe in such. From my experience most times the title is given and shortly after comes the "fall from Grace" either the one who proclaimed the connection typically has unrealistic expectations for their "Best Friend" or they grow apart. On the flip side, usually in my case people proclaim themselves as such, but neglect to "play the part". Briefly I found it to be quite disappointing which confirmed my thoughts on the notion altogether. 

I find myself in a very peculiar situation however I have Prayers up, Dreams in motion and Goals that I'm striving to achieve; in moments like these I stay very close to my Thoughts, Words and Heart as I am aware of "The Law of Attraction" and other key "weapons" which are counterproductive to Faith, Belief and The Power of Positive Thinking; I also understand that I am a Co-Creator in this "game" called Life. Which means (to me) that God put us all here for a purpose; our Destiny, however He gave us that pesky thing called "free will", which means He won't make us do anything, it must be our own choice. Although we have Dreams, Ideas, Thoughts, etc. nothing and/or no one can force us onto any particular path; it's up to us to choose. With that said, everything plays a part in those choices and circumstances. I made up my mind that I will dive into myself and pull out every talent, skill and gift I have been blessed with. I intend to be the person I was created to be, so I can't always verbalize each fleeting thought, concern or perspective. As I know how it can derail the Journey which leaves room for distractions, disappointments and regrets. All of which I've had more than enough of.  

For example: there was a time when I was unhappy with my weight; I'd complain to anyone who would listen about how "fat" I'd gotten. Yet the moment someone asked me to work out I declined. I ate terribly and the more I grew out of my clothes or felt some type of way I just ate more; I can be an "emotional eater" if I don't exercise self-control/ discipline. Although my words said "I don't want to be fat" my behaviors and thoughts said "girl, yes you do". It wasn't until my thoughts, words and behaviors were the same (in Harmony) that results started to show. The same goes for Love, Care, Concern, Work Ethic, etc. if your words proclaim a certain meaning (according to the dictionary; "word" also refers to "promise" and/or "assurance") yet you are unable, unwilling or incapable of confirming the words expressed with action; it may be best to allow them to go unsaid. Like the saying goes "don't talk about it; be about it". 

Truly what is there to gain by speaking things from your mouth that you don't fully believe or agree with in your Mind and/or Heart? If you are a person who does that, I'm curious to know if it causes the same level of disappointment for you when the truth is revealed? or perhaps the emptiness behind the words expressed are discovered to be in vain. As a "hearer" have you reached the point where the empty words no longer have the power to disappoint?

I understand we all have areas which require maintenance; we may even have some contradictions to work through. On the contrary, I believe shortcomings and hypocrisy are two totally different issues. I can't speak for the next person, but I know with everything I may say and/or do I am making a conscious effort to be better. I've written about it in previous posts and I'm certain I'll write about it again; my current Journey is on the path of Christ Consciousness. Not at all claiming to be perfect, but I am making an effort to live my life as true to the core as I can be; in alignment with the energy of Love, Abundance and Unity. 

With no desire to compete with anyone; except for myself. Becoming a better me than I was years ago, last year, yesterday as well as with each circumstance, test and trail. Not saying I won't share my experiences, I'm working on the tone/voice of The Blog as well as trying to "get my shit together" and battle Anxiety Disorder which is a daily struggle. 

As I put this post to a close I'd like to take the time to say Thank You again to each reader. I truly appreciate you taking the time to entertain my words, send encouragement, share music and Love. I can't express how much it means to me; especially during the tough days. I am extremely grateful; sending love light & blessings to you all, today and always. 


She Reads Truth: Kingdom Praying

As I am catching up on my Bible app plans, I came across the following Devotional; when describes (confirms) the entire purpose I had in mind when it was chosen. I hope as you read the words you feel them in your Heart as encouragement to continue or as a slight nudge you may have been seeking or ignoring. 

I pray whichever the case, you'll allow The Creator of your Soul to complete the work in you that only you were Destined to Fulfill. 

App: Youversion 
Plan: She Reads Truth: Prayer in the Bible

Kingdom Praying

“Thy kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:10, KJV)

When Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray in Matthew 6, the very first instruction He gives in the prayer pattern is kingdom praying. If ever we needed an indication of how important it is to pray for His Kingdom, it is here. But what exactly are we praying for when we are praying kingdom prayers?

If prayers of praise are turning our focus upward, and prayers of confession turn our focus inward, prayers for His kingdom turn our focusoutward. Often, we don’t make these prayers a priority because we are too focused on our “stuff,” and it is here that we are missing the forest for the trees.

Kingdom praying is asking God to bring Heaven here to earth, to marry His space with ours, to accomplish His plan. Can you imagine if we started all our prayers here? Matthew 6:33 says to “seek first His kingdom.” What would happen if we didn’t pray for our Earthly needs first, but for those things that matter for eternity?

We may not make an impact on the kingdom of God when we get our prayers answered for that new job, physical healing or clear direction on how to fix a temporary problem. But we can open the door for God to work when we pray for the Gospel to be spread, when we pray for food for the hungry, when we pray for freedom for the enslaved, when we pray for the Lord to “send out workers into His harvest field.” (Luke 10:2, NIV)

And truly, when we are praying for this forest, we are still praying for the trees.  We are a part of His kingdom, and when we turn our attention to the things He cares about, then we are opening the door for Him to bless us as well.

Turn your attention outward, sisters. See this world through His eyes, with the love He has for His creation. See His grief for the bruised and scarred state we’re in.  And pray.

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”  

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Thought I'd Share...

Practicing Petition

Practice makes perfect - and that is what we strive for in our lives spiritually (to be like Christ). While we understand that we’ll never achieve perfection here on earth, part of God’s will for us is to strive for a closer relationship with His perfection. It is His ongoing act of sanctification in our lives.

Today sisters, let’s begin to practice how we approach the Lord with our petitions in life. No matter how great or small your desires may seem, they are important to you, and therefore, important to Him. Like the familiar words in Joseph Scriven’s hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” remind us:

“What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit,O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”

We can come to Him for safety, for wisdom, with our desires, and more. Scripture tells us to be persistent, to approach God boldly, and to rest in knowing that He loves us like children and wants to give us good gifts. And in the gospel, Christ demonstrates the importance of praying that God’s will be done above all.

For today, let’s practice biblical petition together - use a journal if you’d like:

  • Thank God for being your Father who you can trust to provide and care for you. Repent if you find that you’ve kept  your petitions, needs, desires from Him.

  • Call to mind some things you can ask your Father for.

  • Be specific when you pray. Don’t be afraid that He can’t handle your needs and desires.

  • Be bold in what you ask. We might forget that simply because something seems impossible to us, nothing is impossible for our Lord.

End with the simple words, “Not my will, but yours be done.” As hard as this may be to say, begin to trust that God has “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)   Join the SheReadsTruth Community:

How's your Being?

I am in Love with Love
and Love is in love with me.
My body is in Love with the soul
and the soul is in Love with my body.
I opened my arms to Love
 and Love embraced me like a lover.

~ Rumi

Re-Evaluation Time

It seems to happen randomly; I'll have a thought and while I am still processing it, my mind is flooded with several others.  Each more challenging then the first.  This mainly happens while I am attempting to do several other things; I typically like to multi-task.  It keeps Boredom away; I can't recall the last time I felt "Bored".  I find it interesting when people say that to me, "I'm bored" or they'll seem shocked or surprised when I tell them I rarely feel that way; and the moment I do, I treat it the same as "Insomnia"; I'll ask my Self  "what do you want to learn?", this is typically followed my a few thoughts, recommendations or ideas and I "choose one".  Problem solved...
I have been wanting to write for quite some time, yet the words were so scrambled it begain aggravating my Migraine so I'd have to push it to the side.  Recently, I began to jot down the Thoughts that come or Ideas; in the past I'd think of a Title, and pick up my phone or sit at a computer and allow the words to flow.  These days the words don't come as easy; wait; that's not completely true.  The words are fine, however with each outlet I try (my best) to give as much detail as the space allows and/or paint a very clear picture of what I am expressing.  In my mind, this eliminates the chances of Misunderstanding, Miscommunication and/or Misinterpretation to come in and create Disharmony, Distance or any other Low Energy Vibes (vibrations).  Lately, I've encountered a few senarios where it was clear the person was seeking to remain low and most likely bring me to their level.  I am not 100% if it were intentional or if they are unaware; so rather than handling the situation as I would have in the past ("gone off", tell them about themselves or have a temper tantrum), I chose to Distance my Self which was later preceived as something altogther different. 
I have a little more to say, but I have an errand to run.  I am going to do my best to touch basis more often, until then be Blessed; be A Blessing to others; be Love.

The Confident Woman Devotional 5/6/13

It's Not About Age

Timothy, Paul's "spiritual" son in the ministry, was very young, and he was fearful and worried about what people thought of his youth. Paul told him to let no man despise his youth. It really does not matter how old or young a person is. If God calls someone to do something, and they have the confidence to go forward, nothing can stop them.

How you respond to your age and, for that matter, how others respond is really up to you. We all age in years, but we don't have to get an "I'm too old" mindset. Moses was 80 years old when he left Egypt to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. Confident people don't think about how old they are; they think about what they can accomplish with the time they have left. Remember, confident people are positive and look at what they have, not what they have lost.

Even if you are reading this devotion and let's say you are 65 years old and feel you have wasted most of your life doing nothing - you can still start today and do something amazing and great with your life.

Pray: Lord, You used people of all ages throughout the Bible, and You can use me. Today is a new day, and I am excited about what You have for me to accomplish. Amen.

From the book The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright ᄅ 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

*copied from Holy Bible app @youversion

"You're Always On My Mind".

There's a certain someone who occupies a unique space in my Heart. I am unsure of the description; however I am aware of the location, it's "dead center". I don't recall ever feeling that way before, it makes me uncomfortable and in the past, insecure and even "desperate"; seeking attention and approval at all costs. Even to the point, I'd lost sight of who I was. It took a very odd moment for me to wake up and realize how out of hand things had gotten. I made an "Executive Decision" and severed all ties.

I remember a few years ago I was at a Cousin's house (My "Love Guru #1") with her Family and I'd brought up "the one whose name we do not speak" at which time we began to talk about "Soul Ties", "Soul Mates" and "Twin Flames"; If my memory serves correctly I believe we were up to the early part of the Morning engulfed in conversation. By the time I'd gotten home it was clear to me that I needed to break the tie I had with that "man". It took a few years, but finally I am Happy to report he is "Official Black History" (lol see the movie, "Love Jones" for reference). Now fast forward to "a certain someone", last year after the encounter mentioned above; i was reminded of the conversation and decided to sever ties with this person as well. I took time away to gather and rebuild my self (self-respect, self-esteem, dignity & common sense); I guess it allowed time to be missed and/or appreciated. So without going into detail, our friendship was mended.

I find my quiet moments or wandering thoughts always seem to rest in our Memories or Fantasies (PG) of how I believe we could be together. Once I become aware of these occurrences I usually smile. Other times I analyze our communication and find myself giggling like a "silly school girl"; yet when I am reminded of the infrequency of our interaction I become a bit melancholy (which is an insanely familiar space for me), even allowing myself to shed a tear or two; they just can't leave my eyes (those are the rules). However, the feeling is not completely due to our situation; it actually stems from a history of "neglect" and "abandonment issues"; I know I've touched on those topics in previous posts, I'm just not ready to dive into those Chapters yet. On another note; when I am completely honest with myself, I admit that while I do trust myself; there's a tiny bit of me who questions if I could remain true to #TeamAbstinence in his presence. So I am thankful that we have kept a safe distance from one another.

I guess the trouble comes when I attempt to find logic in this uncertain situation. I remember saying how I didn't even "like" this person. I would overreact to everything and on several occasions ask "what is your purpose in my life?" at one point even declaring that he'd "served his purpose" once I convinced myself they were "only good for one thing"; which i was no longer addicted to. Yet the more I got to know them the more I realized I actually cared for more than that one particular part. -sigh- so here's the "dilemma": what do you do when your "decision making" parts disagree?

When I say "decision making parts" I'm referring to "My Mind", "My Heart" and "My Mouth". In my mind I seek to understand all of the Pros and Cons, that way I shouldn't find myself looking Dumb when I'm left with the Consequences. My Heart has to believe its a Good thing; I typically Meditate, Sleep on and/or search the Scriptures if I don't know off hand if its a Good or Bad decision presented. Finally, My Mouth, because what you Think and Feel you must Say and Do. For me, it all has to match: if you say one thing and do the opposite or vice versa, I don't trust you. Period, Point Blank. Call me judgmental or whatever comes to mind, but "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he" (Proverbs 23:7) and "a double minded man is unstable in all his ways"(James 1:8). Which basically means (to me) if you claim to Feel or Believe certain things your Words and Actions should confirm that. So here's the thing: My Mind and Heart says "stay, this makes complete sense" then My Mouth says "I wish this would go away".

I've had a conversation with my "Love Guru #1" and she's not on his team to say the least. Shortly after I'd began conversing with AnOther who I shall refer to as my "Love Guru #2", who identifies with both sides of the story and expresses examples of how he would do various things differently had he gotten the opportunity. His advice made sense to My Heart which had the difficult task of explaining it to My Mind. I was then able to express the feeling into words which took me by surprise. As time goes on I find myself haggling over what I am "supposed" to do, then I am reminded: "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord." (Proverbs 18:22 NKJV).

I know what some may be thinking and of course I'm NOT jumping ahead of myself; since we aren't even Dating I am definitely not expecting Marriage, however I am unsure of how "Loyal" I am supposed to be in a situation where I actually feel "something" for someone I am not involved with? On the other hand, I am (reluctantly) giving in to the idea of dating. Yet I don't believe in hunting down, chasing or finding a Man; I believe that a Man should recognize a Woman and seek to know if they'd be a good match, from there you grow closer and decide to make it "Official" or you go "back to the drawing board". It really is that simple, at least to me.

The interesting thing about this "situation" is as my Mind, Heart and Mouth attempt to figure it out; that "small; still voice" instructs me to "be still and know that I AM GOD" (Psalms 46:10a). After many years and a bunch of turmoil; I've finally learned to listen and "be still" and more importantly, to shut up. Not in a sense of not speaking my mind, but I've learned to take my frustrations to God in Prayer and allow Him to correct or confirm thoughts/behaviors. While expressing the necessary feelings and emotions as they've been processed. I will admit, I see a big difference since I began approaching things that way.

Which makes me Curious to know: which "parts" do you allow to make your decisions? How is that working out for you?