No "Pity Parties" Allowed

If you've ever dealt with a situation or circumstance mostly out of your control it is inevitable that you will experience some level of frustration, stress and/or annoyance.  You will encounter "representatives" who are either incompetent, inefficient or both. All of which I have a very low patience for (insert heavy sigh here). Especially when people act as if they are doing you a favor by half ass doing their job, it amazes me how often I've come across this experience since the events leading up to the initial anxiety attack in September 2012.

I've encountered the most unprofessional company I think I've ever experienced in my life, the unhelpful gentleman did not acknowledge my request to speak with a supervisor however continued to repeat information that I already advised him of when I initially requested to speak with higher management.  As he was made aware, although I appreciate his efforts, I need to speak with someone with the authority to resolve my issue.  I don't know if he was upset by my tone at this point or if his ego was bruised as it was apparent he had no authority to do much of anything and continuing to speak with him was adding to my frustration.  So what does he do? He hangs up in my face -woos ah- I count to 5 and call on Jesus as I know "The Bitch" that's been begging me (from within) to get involved was dying to take over.  But as I have chosen to conduct myself better and be myself, well, my core self, I know that is not the way I would like to handle this situation.  So I call again and I actually get a supervisor on the line.  The matter is resolved, however not to my complete satisfaction, so I know this was just another phase and more was to come.

As I continued to deal with these people my stress, anxiety, tears and migraines worsened.  So the information I was provided on Friday (see, Building My Fairytale, One Brick at a Time) miraculously changed by Monday and I am given a completely different story on Wednesday.  As I've tried to wean myself off of the prescription medications and take control of my body, I realized in this entire fight my body has begun to weaken, so now after over 2 years without a cold or flu, I can feel it coming on.  As I sat on my bed and the tears began to fall I refused to join the pity party that was trying to invade my space.  So instead I thought of how to redecorate my room to include my "home office" and the color I should paint that area as well as motivational quotes which would shift my energy onto things I can absolutely control.

As simple as it would be to call a few select people and "beg" or "pray" that they'd come to my rescue, I know it is not the solution.  As I've said before in earlier posts, while some many people are praying others are PREYING and I refuse to allow myself to get caught up in that trap on top of everything else.  So I take another deep breath, pray for guidance, pop this last anxiety pill that I've been holding onto for about 2 months and now I am expecting to see a shift.  I am fully aware of my energy and the power of Him who holds my faith.  I am not believing in any person, place or thing to sustain me.  More importantly, I am aware of how these types of hurdles/ obstacles slide in to test you, especially when time is of the essence.   The truth of the matter is, there is a level of consciousness where time does not exist, Divine Timing is an interesting concept to grasp, however I am relying on the One who holds "time" in his hands to make a way for me because trying to do it for myself, by myself is not an option.

So what, the road isn't smooth and easy, if it were how much faith would it take to navigate through it? Not to mention the greater reward often received once the smoke clears and the dust settles.  I don't know anyone else's hurdles or obstacles today, but I read a quote earlier which stated: 

"Either the day runs you or you run the day!" - Jim Rohn 

With that said, I am gearing up for round 2 to reclaim my day and squeeze out every good thing that it has for me.  I pray you are encouraged and able to remain or regain whatever is necessary to start the new month off at the fastest, most efficient, joyous space possible and don't allow anything outside of your control to steal your joy or make you feel defeated on day 1.  On the bright side, you also have Day 2 to regroup and shake things up.  I am determined to make February great and I will do everything in my power to make it so.

Be Great Today (and Always)!

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