I'd convinced myself that I was not depressed, I rationalized the fact that the way I behaved and felt was vastly different from the actions and words I expressed when I was obviously feeling that way. So I shrugged it off and told myself that my psychiatrist was missing something as we exchanged words regarding my current medication which no longer worked and the replacement he'd suggested. I make a point to research medications before taking them, I also make sure to discuss my other medications and herbs that I take to ensure it will not interfere with anything.
Finally I realized I've been putting off washing my hair for 2 weeks now, which means I havent washed my hair in 3 weeks, I am disgusted as I admit these words. I know that something is wrong, so I began to be completely honest with myself and I prayed and in that moment I accepted the truth, which is I need to pick up my prescription, I was somewhat depressed and it is a battle that I must win. The trouble with denial is, it hinders growth. The moment you acknowledge a weaknes the quicker you can decide if you will overcome it or not.
I choose to win, I hope you choose the same.
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