Hopes of Sunshine

3rd eye massages followed by intense Brain stimulation; only obtained by a deep mental connection.  

Our vibe chills the air; filling the silence with sounds of our breath under the sparkle of the Stars; and the shine of the Moon.

Breathtaking silence.

Interrupted by the sound of thoughts so divine, they must be shared.

Pink Mountains

I'm in my cave; it looks unfamiliar as i haven't been here in quite some time.

I've been away.

Honestly, I didn't expect to return.

Then I think, what if my domain is the same? However, my eyes have changed.  The three of them seem to be more in harmony than before.

Realizing what matters as well as what may need a better or perhaps alternate perspective/ understanding.

Chocolate Kisses

the brightness of the Sun
blending with the warmth of your Soul

the Brain can not comprehend
the flow of Love
and the depth in which it is to be understood

yet the Heart knows
and feels the expressions
because it knows of
Harmony and Dedication
like no other.

Check In: "Hello"

Thought I'd check in and say a quick "Hello"; like many of you, I have been busy with the typical end of year errands.  However, thankfully I've also had many opportunities to write as well as lose myself in thoughts for various spaces (i.e.: the books, future posts, etc.).

I am a bit excited to share the new expressions, I've been making a conscious effort to be more detailed in my writing.  Hopefully allowing you to see a vivid picture of the vision/ visual I attempt to create.


Venus on Display: Vulnerability Pt. 2

At times I feel as if I wear my Heart on my sleeve; I make an attempt to conceal it, but I feel as if it shows regardless.  Some times I wish I was more nonchalant about things.  Not allowing them to get under my skin, although I already know that's an impossibility for me.  Funny because it was difficult prior to the Anxiety Disorder,  so now it's mind blowing how sensitive I can become.  I dislike feeling as if I am "using" the disorder as a crutch or a scapegoat, but in reality I am aware that I am not how I once was; nor will I ever be again.

That's the part that gets to me the most, to understand that I have changed on many levels; one of which I am not in alignment with.  As a Capricorn I can be quite moody by nature, but adding to that the disorders, conditions, phobias, etc. all of which are out of my control and based upon an element of my self that I am still discovering, is quite overwhelming.  I struggle daily to keep the feelings "in check", yet from moment to moment I can swim in and out of Love.  I float though despair and fight to find myself gliding into a space of helpfulness in addition to hopefulness.  

I've decided to spend the past few days putting the needs of others in place of my own, not in a way of lack or being less than, but out of a space of finding my true nature, which I believe was buried by various "issues" of my past.  Issues I am fighting hard to overcome as well as end the cycle which leads to unhappiness. Even in writing currently, I am choosing not to focus on the past; rather looking forward to the bright future I can see from my dreams.  


my mind dipped
oozing of chocolate
and the aroma
of vanilla and lavender

fueled by the intense desire
to Love where it can be showered
with passion and honesty

feeling whole
reunited with the Divine


The pen moves in my hand like music; feeling the harmony from within searching her soul for meaning along with hidden insights from other dimensions.  6d or 7d radiating throughout my entire being.  Experiencing the elements of Earth along with those from Galaxies existing in the distant future; returning to memory as if they were handcrafted just for my desire.

Leading to thoughts of the Here- After.  Not the last time, but the first time death met me.  Understanding the portal of choice was to discover my soul'd deepest, darkest, most intimate space in which to give.


The purple and blues mix together like lips intertwined for the first time

Now your hands trace my skin as you would a velvet comforter

The room spins and I'm in your arms, or is it Heaven?

The deep ripples of the waves remind me of your fingers intangled in the succulent curls of my hair

Then I feel your energy and become engulfed into your aura

Beaming from within, I begin to feel the intense Love from the Universe and know that all is okay; today.

Peach Skies

The energy is fluid
The vibe is real
The feelings are under control; for now

Then the sky changed and turned into a burst of color!

The silhouette of the Mountains render me speechless

Until the thoughts flood my mind as if being kissed by the Divine

3rd eye beaming
inviting only Love inside