The Power of Intention

Recently I was faced with a situation and when I mentioned it to a few people they all instructed me to “be careful”, I took their concerns to heart and made sure to include those thoughts in my meditation.  When I meditate, it is usually for clarity or guidance.  I like to connect with God and listen for direction or insight before making decisions or communicating with people.  I’ve made it a habit to meditate as soon as I awake in the morning and before I go to sleep at night.  I’ve learned along this journey that is a very important part of my day, if not the most important. 

I’ve realized now more than ever that when you deal with someone you are actually dealing with their spirit or better yet the spirit that influences them.  If a person is connected to God/ the Universe then s/he will conduct themselves in a certain way; granted we are all “human” so our flaws, insecurities, shortcomings, etc will come into play; however you can usually see past that as well. 

The key when dealing with people who may not have your best interest at heart or perhaps they are looking to take advantage of you.  Well two things are true: the first being, no one can take advantage of you without your permission.  You may not agree, but to be taken advantage of you must be either naïve and/or unaware that it’s happening.  If that’s the case; whose fault is it?  The second being you are allowing it for whatever reason you choose, which is okay as long as it’s not coming from a space of unworthiness.  For example, I am typically a shy, reserved, quiet person; I spend a lot of time observing.  However I have friends who crave the spotlight, they command attention, they may even bombard me with questions or my listening ear however when I need the same in return they may not be as willing or available.  In the past that would upset me however now I understand and allow them to express what they need and I am confident enough to allow them to shine.  I am able to do this because I know that it doesn’t diminish my light.  Know the people in your life and why they are there, because everyone doesn’t have the same purpose and expecting them to be who you want them to be is selfish and unrealistic at least that’s what I’ve learned.  I digress.

So back to my meditation, I received insight as well as understanding and the main thought that came from it was that “intentions reveal themselves; you just have to pay attention” the other thing is what God has for you is just that, for you! No man can give it or take it away.  If someone is looking to take advantage of you in some type of arrangement (business and/or personal) their intentions will show and if your intention is to be blessed and you are in alignment with the Universe your best interest is always protected.  I am reminded of the scripture which explains how God thoughts for us are good and to prosper us.  Which means if you are on your path and connected with the power of the Universe you should allow that to guide you in your decision making (big and small).  When someone says something and their actions relay a different message you can decode their intent if you are aware.  I am not saying mistakes won’t happen however what if you could avoid as many of them as possible?

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