Mercury Retrograde

For some reason I rarely pay attention to it's arrival, I just know that something is "off" in my communication.  Especially with certain people, I'd realize the breakdown and once things were back to "normal" I'd excuse the miscommunication and blame it all on Mercury and it's reverse travels.  Well not this time, I realize that although the "Cosmos" weren't quite aligned the way I'd like them to be, the interaction with some people wasn't that great when Mercury was on the straight and narrow.
As the usual New Year's Resolution time is approaching, I've come to terms with the idea that some people may not make it into 2013 with me.  This time not because I've deleted them, changed my number or said anything reckless, but simply because we don't want the same things.  We aren't on the same path and our interaction leads to frustration and stress, all of which I am not in a space to accept or tolerate any longer.  As I deal with some pretty major changes in my life I recognize that I cant allow the context in which others would like to operate have such a hold on me.  As much as I can be everyone else's cheerleader and support system, I realize that of all people I need me to be there for me the most.  Mainly, because when I have my "Vampire Days", "Dragon Days" and/or "Junkie Days" most times I am dealing with those things alone.  Not many people are calling to check on me or make sure I have the things that I need or that I am "okay", so as the days go on if I am not taking the time to check in with myself who knows how I'd end up.
To say that I am glad Mercury went direct today is an understatement, I am ecstatic! And to know there will be a Full Moon Eclipse on Wednesday, November 28, 2012, I am "over the moon".  I had the idea that I would go to the beach and meditate, something about "Mermaid Life" and the energy I feel; it just seems so necessary.  I am expecting some things to shift in my life and I know change is on the horizon, so it is important for me to position myself as well as remain aware and alert to each opportunity which may present itself.  I believe I am ready, and although this particular retrograde was a bit harder than the others, I believe it has been most beneficial in its own way... I suppose time will tell, until then I'll be on Venus (where I belong).

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