a glimpse into the mind of a Girl evolving, loving, learning, growing, becoming; a Woman
Count Your Blessings
Currently: In My Feelings...
The Cold Light of Day
What Happened?
Morning Coffee
I believe this may have sparked my "writing bug"; I will admit, I sure hope it has.
Happy Sunday!
looking forward to Worship, Praise & "The Word"....
Expecting exceedingly and abundantly more than I can even imagine.
To Be Continued....
Wilderness, Valleys, Mountain Tops & Shipwrecks
Hello, Good Morning!
Morning Thoughts: Friday, May 24, 2013
She Reads Truth: Kingdom Praying
Kingdom Praying
“Thy kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:10, KJV)
When Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray in Matthew 6, the very first instruction He gives in the prayer pattern is kingdom praying. If ever we needed an indication of how important it is to pray for His Kingdom, it is here. But what exactly are we praying for when we are praying kingdom prayers?
If prayers of praise are turning our focus upward, and prayers of confession turn our focus inward, prayers for His kingdom turn our focusoutward. Often, we don’t make these prayers a priority because we are too focused on our “stuff,” and it is here that we are missing the forest for the trees.
Kingdom praying is asking God to bring Heaven here to earth, to marry His space with ours, to accomplish His plan. Can you imagine if we started all our prayers here? Matthew 6:33 says to “seek first His kingdom.” What would happen if we didn’t pray for our Earthly needs first, but for those things that matter for eternity?
We may not make an impact on the kingdom of God when we get our prayers answered for that new job, physical healing or clear direction on how to fix a temporary problem. But we can open the door for God to work when we pray for the Gospel to be spread, when we pray for food for the hungry, when we pray for freedom for the enslaved, when we pray for the Lord to “send out workers into His harvest field.” (Luke 10:2, NIV)
And truly, when we are praying for this forest, we are still praying for the trees. We are a part of His kingdom, and when we turn our attention to the things He cares about, then we are opening the door for Him to bless us as well.
Turn your attention outward, sisters. See this world through His eyes, with the love He has for His creation. See His grief for the bruised and scarred state we’re in. And pray.
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”Join the SheReadsTruth Community: http://bit.ly/PrayerDay15
Thought I'd Share...
Practicing Petition
Practice makes perfect - and that is what we strive for in our lives spiritually (to be like Christ). While we understand that we’ll never achieve perfection here on earth, part of God’s will for us is to strive for a closer relationship with His perfection. It is His ongoing act of sanctification in our lives.
Today sisters, let’s begin to practice how we approach the Lord with our petitions in life. No matter how great or small your desires may seem, they are important to you, and therefore, important to Him. Like the familiar words in Joseph Scriven’s hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” remind us:
“What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit,O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
We can come to Him for safety, for wisdom, with our desires, and more. Scripture tells us to be persistent, to approach God boldly, and to rest in knowing that He loves us like children and wants to give us good gifts. And in the gospel, Christ demonstrates the importance of praying that God’s will be done above all.
For today, let’s practice biblical petition together - use a journal if you’d like:
Thank God for being your Father who you can trust to provide and care for you. Repent if you find that you’ve kept your petitions, needs, desires from Him.
Call to mind some things you can ask your Father for.
Be specific when you pray. Don’t be afraid that He can’t handle your needs and desires.
Be bold in what you ask. We might forget that simply because something seems impossible to us, nothing is impossible for our Lord.
How's your Being?
and Love is in love with me.
My body is in Love with the soul
and the soul is in Love with my body.
I opened my arms to Love
... and Love embraced me like a lover.
~ Rumi
Re-Evaluation Time
The Confident Woman Devotional 5/6/13
Timothy, Paul's "spiritual" son in the ministry, was very young, and he was fearful and worried about what people thought of his youth. Paul told him to let no man despise his youth. It really does not matter how old or young a person is. If God calls someone to do something, and they have the confidence to go forward, nothing can stop them.
How you respond to your age and, for that matter, how others respond is really up to you. We all age in years, but we don't have to get an "I'm too old" mindset. Moses was 80 years old when he left Egypt to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. Confident people don't think about how old they are; they think about what they can accomplish with the time they have left. Remember, confident people are positive and look at what they have, not what they have lost.
Even if you are reading this devotion and let's say you are 65 years old and feel you have wasted most of your life doing nothing - you can still start today and do something amazing and great with your life.
Pray: Lord, You used people of all ages throughout the Bible, and You can use me. Today is a new day, and I am excited about what You have for me to accomplish. Amen.
From the book The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright ᄅ 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.
*copied from Holy Bible app @youversion
"You're Always On My Mind".
I remember a few years ago I was at a Cousin's house (My "Love Guru #1") with her Family and I'd brought up "the one whose name we do not speak" at which time we began to talk about "Soul Ties", "Soul Mates" and "Twin Flames"; If my memory serves correctly I believe we were up to the early part of the Morning engulfed in conversation. By the time I'd gotten home it was clear to me that I needed to break the tie I had with that "man". It took a few years, but finally I am Happy to report he is "Official Black History" (lol see the movie, "Love Jones" for reference). Now fast forward to "a certain someone", last year after the encounter mentioned above; i was reminded of the conversation and decided to sever ties with this person as well. I took time away to gather and rebuild my self (self-respect, self-esteem, dignity & common sense); I guess it allowed time to be missed and/or appreciated. So without going into detail, our friendship was mended.
I find my quiet moments or wandering thoughts always seem to rest in our Memories or Fantasies (PG) of how I believe we could be together. Once I become aware of these occurrences I usually smile. Other times I analyze our communication and find myself giggling like a "silly school girl"; yet when I am reminded of the infrequency of our interaction I become a bit melancholy (which is an insanely familiar space for me), even allowing myself to shed a tear or two; they just can't leave my eyes (those are the rules). However, the feeling is not completely due to our situation; it actually stems from a history of "neglect" and "abandonment issues"; I know I've touched on those topics in previous posts, I'm just not ready to dive into those Chapters yet. On another note; when I am completely honest with myself, I admit that while I do trust myself; there's a tiny bit of me who questions if I could remain true to #TeamAbstinence in his presence. So I am thankful that we have kept a safe distance from one another.
I guess the trouble comes when I attempt to find logic in this uncertain situation. I remember saying how I didn't even "like" this person. I would overreact to everything and on several occasions ask "what is your purpose in my life?" at one point even declaring that he'd "served his purpose" once I convinced myself they were "only good for one thing"; which i was no longer addicted to. Yet the more I got to know them the more I realized I actually cared for more than that one particular part. -sigh- so here's the "dilemma": what do you do when your "decision making" parts disagree?
When I say "decision making parts" I'm referring to "My Mind", "My Heart" and "My Mouth". In my mind I seek to understand all of the Pros and Cons, that way I shouldn't find myself looking Dumb when I'm left with the Consequences. My Heart has to believe its a Good thing; I typically Meditate, Sleep on and/or search the Scriptures if I don't know off hand if its a Good or Bad decision presented. Finally, My Mouth, because what you Think and Feel you must Say and Do. For me, it all has to match: if you say one thing and do the opposite or vice versa, I don't trust you. Period, Point Blank. Call me judgmental or whatever comes to mind, but "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he" (Proverbs 23:7) and "a double minded man is unstable in all his ways"(James 1:8). Which basically means (to me) if you claim to Feel or Believe certain things your Words and Actions should confirm that. So here's the thing: My Mind and Heart says "stay, this makes complete sense" then My Mouth says "I wish this would go away".
I've had a conversation with my "Love Guru #1" and she's not on his team to say the least. Shortly after I'd began conversing with AnOther who I shall refer to as my "Love Guru #2", who identifies with both sides of the story and expresses examples of how he would do various things differently had he gotten the opportunity. His advice made sense to My Heart which had the difficult task of explaining it to My Mind. I was then able to express the feeling into words which took me by surprise. As time goes on I find myself haggling over what I am "supposed" to do, then I am reminded: "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord." (Proverbs 18:22 NKJV).
I know what some may be thinking and of course I'm NOT jumping ahead of myself; since we aren't even Dating I am definitely not expecting Marriage, however I am unsure of how "Loyal" I am supposed to be in a situation where I actually feel "something" for someone I am not involved with? On the other hand, I am (reluctantly) giving in to the idea of dating. Yet I don't believe in hunting down, chasing or finding a Man; I believe that a Man should recognize a Woman and seek to know if they'd be a good match, from there you grow closer and decide to make it "Official" or you go "back to the drawing board". It really is that simple, at least to me.
The interesting thing about this "situation" is as my Mind, Heart and Mouth attempt to figure it out; that "small; still voice" instructs me to "be still and know that I AM GOD" (Psalms 46:10a). After many years and a bunch of turmoil; I've finally learned to listen and "be still" and more importantly, to shut up. Not in a sense of not speaking my mind, but I've learned to take my frustrations to God in Prayer and allow Him to correct or confirm thoughts/behaviors. While expressing the necessary feelings and emotions as they've been processed. I will admit, I see a big difference since I began approaching things that way.
Which makes me Curious to know: which "parts" do you allow to make your decisions? How is that working out for you?
Silent Screams
The fact that I only slept for less than two hours before I was awakened when an idea (yay!); followed by reenactments of yesterday's conversations and events began to lead to a Migraine.
I've started a prayer several times this week, but talked myself out of it. I want to hibernate. I am sick of (most) people and I'd rather spend my days with myself or a select few. Yet I know that is not what's best for me at this time/"season"... -sigh-
I keep reminding myself, "the battle is not yours, it's The Lord's"... Then the headache worsens and the tears fall.
Worst part of all, no one Cares. Although they'd be fake-offended IF they actually read the words stated; yet that's not a problem because they choose not to support anything I do. Yet if you let them tell it; they have all the love in the world; sigh -insert blank stare-. I'm now starting to question if these people even know how to show love; that's quickly answered by the facts:
1. They muster up enough "love", "care" and/or "concern" when it's convenient for/ or benefits them.
2. They expect and/or demand to be treated that way although they don't extend the same courtesy to others.
3. The moment you mention it, they start stuttering, apologizing and/or displaying some other sign of "guilt".
4. They are inconsistent; which shows they are capable. Trouble is they are unwilling to put forth a sincere, consistent EFFORT.
5. They are often selfish, self-centered and greedy. Therefore their main priority is themselves yet fail to realize or recognize when most people choose not to be bothered with them for long periods of time. This is usually when they become "humble", but it's fleeting. They often embrace those of us who are "nice", "compassionate" and/or "empathetic".
Moments like this I miss the "old me", the me who could care less about being "nice"; the anti-social girl who didn't like people. Then I am slapped with My Truth; that girl was not happy. I refuse to allow them the satisfaction, but I feel as if I am drowning in my own tears (at times) and all of the people who claim to care CHOOSE to turn a blind eye. Even when they are able to help; they are just unwilling.
Which also makes me question; if your "loved one" is "in need" and you choose to ignore or neglect them, how can you truly call yourself "a friend"? On the flip side, how dare you get offended/hurt/upset when they finally get a clue and no longer consider you as such.
Hmmm funny thing is, if I chose to treat them the way they treat me, I'd be "wrong" and questioned about my "Christianity/ Spiritually". People are a trip, I'd rather not take.
-exhale- I bet if I began to "call it like eye see it" they would then question if I "woke up on the wrong side of the bed"; however my response is, can you simply WAKE UP?!?!
Gotta Start Somewhere...
Here are the challenges keeping me from doing so:
1. I don't like to discuss things until they are DONE. You know the saying "don't talk about it, be about it"? That's me 100%; so what do you write when everything's still "a work in progress"? Not to mention, words are powerful and I am not ready to share certain things publicly as they may affect my outcomes. In many things I can't afford to be naïve in thinking that everyone who reads my words or knows me personally wishes me well. Lets be honest, "misery loves company", "unhappiness despises change" and "The Mediocre hates The Over-Achiever" . So please forgive me when I choose NOT to give you ammunition to fuel negative energy towards me. Those who do such don't need any of my help. While those who wish me well and send positive energy, do so without requiring specifics.
2. Keeping #1 in mind, I don't desire to dwell in the sorrow of yesterday/yesteryear. Oftentimes rehashing the hurt, anger, heartache of the past has a way of making you relive it over and over again. That is a space I do not wish to dwell; however only highlighting the good would be untrue to my journey. I'm working towards finding Balance.
3. I am private; but if my experience will be a help to someone else, Empathy takes over and I become an open book. Yet with some things I want to write, I can not compromise the privacy of "others" who may not share my stance.
4. For the sake of sounding Arrogant. Honestly, some of the things I hear or read I think to myself; "that's so ignorant!" Or "they can't be serious?", most recently I've encountered people who approach me a certain type of way and initially I think they are trying to insult my intelligence; then I began to "dig deeper" and I had to ask myself, "are they Really THAT stupid?! O_o". But that's not "nice" right? On the other hand, it may just be a "lack of awareness" so I should show love and compassion. Although, I'm doing my very best, I find it most difficult to be nice to "niggas", "bitches" and "assholes". When I find myself dealing with them I have to remind myself not to "hate" the people; no matter how much I despise the behavior/characteristics they choose to display.
5. Keeping #4 in mind; from my experience most people don't like "corrective criticism", correction, being reprimanded or "friendly advice". It seems, this world only recognizes Sugar or Salt. There's more seasonings you know.... I am Honest, at times I think "to a fault", meaning I am mindful of the words I choose however I don't "Sugar Coat 'Shit'" never have and will not begin to do so now. Years ago I told someone "you're not gonna give me cake with shit on top and convince me it's frosting"; say what you mean and mean what you say, just do it in/with Love.
As I express my challenges, I think I may be able to overcome them with patience, understanding and love. I'll begin with the 6 (six) posts sitting in the Drafts.
Keeping the Faith (no longer depending on "wishes" and/or "luck"). In the meantime, feel free to keep in touch via "social media":
Email: KingKamille3@gmail.com
Instagram: KingKamille3
Tumblr: ShoesEqualAmore
Twitter: KingKamille3
Peace & Blessings
Today: March 28, 2013
Today, the Migraine allowed me to "be still" and to stop Thinking, which allowed me to spend the day Dreaming.
Today: "the Moon is my Sun"
*quote is from someone I follow on Twitter, they posted some time ago, but it touched me so I remembered it.
QOTD: 3.23.13
do you know what "moves" you? what inspires you? what motivates you? what are you passionate about?
when I say "you" I mean, without popular opinion, peer pressure, the appearance of what your actions may say to others "on the outside looking in", but how you feel to your Core, in the eye of God...
or better yet, have/do you ever study what God says about you? His promises to you and others who love, trust and obey His word?
Out of My Rearview: March 11- 16, 2013
Once I began to change my energy, I noticed my life and my horoscope were beginning to align themselves and I found a peace in seeing confirmation (a pat on the back or "good job" so to speak) and I depended on it (my horoscope) less and less. I began to turn to my Bible (the actual book as well as the mobile app), prayer and meditation instead, only checking my horoscope occasionally.
As I gather my thoughts and prayers, meditating for guidance regarding the direction the day should take I decided to take a look at my Daily Horoscope app and found the words quite interesting. Out of curiosity, I went backwards, day by day until I arrived at Monday to see how "the stars" said my week started. To my surprise it was accurate, each day. I even got an explanation on why "my" approach with a certain individual had changed. For weeks, possibly even months I'd handle things differently with this person, not expecting them to change, but because I "knew better" so there was no way not to "do better". I feel as if the remaining thoughts should be reserved for a post of their own, so I will be obedient.
Mar, 11, 2013
The universe wants only the best for you, Capricorn (Kamille). Yes, you heard it right! The powers that be want you to be happy, loved, joy-filled, inspired, and successful. You are destined to live an abundant and fulfilling life. So what's stopping you? If you aren't happy with where you are right now, you are wrong to assume that's your fate. Free yourself from fears like this, and rise above yourself to see that your true fate is to fulfill yourself by following your heart and knowing that you are special and you are loved.
Mar, 12, 2013
There is someone you want to get to know, or someone you should get to know because a relationship will offer you a richer life. You may be busy trying to impress this person by showing off your own unique skills and talents. But if you really want to get closer to this individual, you would be better off learning more about him or her. Become an explorer of this person's soul. Learn about hobbies, interests, accomplishments. Ask questions. And really listen. If you take the time to show interest, it will be reciprocated many times over.
Mar, 13, 2013
In a good debate, each side rationally and reasonably presents its perspective. The goal is to fully explore each team's viewpoint. That should be the case with every argument or conflict you ever have. You may now be dealing with someone who has a dramatically different view of a situation you share. But if you just argue your points with conviction - without being respectful of the other person's beliefs and without fully expressing you reasoning - you might as well just give up. Be courteous and fair. You may find you two agree on more than you realized.
Mar, 14, 2013
Good karma you earned over the last few months will suddenly shower you with blessings in the next few days. Don't doubt for a moment that you deserve it, Capricorn (Kamille). You will find that people will be more accommodating and any challenges you've faced recently will begin to resolve. If there is something special you want to manifest in your life, this is an excellent time to focus on it. You should also be treated affectionately by those who care about you, for they'll want to show you just how treasured you are.
Mar, 15, 2013
You have a perception of someone in your social circle that does not jive with the perception of others. Your viewpoint may not be very popular. It isn't convenient. But that doesn't change how you feel. But rather than trying to convince other people that you are right and they are wrong, let nature take its course. Time always tells the truth, Capricorn (Kamille), and this situation will be no different. If you express how you feel but don't push anyone else toward your opinion, you will earn lasting respect.
Mar, 16, 2013
In the old fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea," a girl's royalty was tested in a rather unique way. She was given a bed to sleep on that was many mattresses high. Underneath the bottom mattress a pea was placed. If she slept soundly, then she would be declared a phony - not a member of the royal family. But if she tossed and turned, she would be deemed the real thing. You are being tested now in a way, Capricorn (Kamille). But hopefully you will endure the "pea" that is annoying you and prove your mettle through your stamina and your tolerance.
(March 16, 2013 thoughts, reflection, revelation) To be continued...
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
Viva Las Vegas!
It's inevitable, High School is happening and there's nothing I could do about it. Randomly I am contacted by my Aunt who informs me that her Husband would come to town and help me prepare. She states that he'd take me shopping for school clothes and possibly lunch. I believe she also instructed me to inquire about the spending limit up front. That way my eyes aren't bigger than my limit and I'm not disappointed or expecting more than what he was willing to contribute. He arrives and is extremely nice, I'd never met anyone in person who was that nice to me. Initially I was speechless, he began by asking questions and finding out who I was, he asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. If I'm not mistaken, no one had ever actually asked me that before.
#Fun #Fact: I always have my guard up, since I was a child, with everyone. It gets lowered as trust is established, however it rises when the trust, loyalty, etc shows signs of weakness. So i observe and share when i feel like I'm ready, typically I don't volunteer information, if you want to know something, ask me directly. If its none of your business or i'd rather not share, I've learned how to let you know (as nicely as i possibly can). I try not to be a burden on people, I've felt that way for much of my life, so I developed this motto, "I'll figure it out" and I usually do (sometimes the hard way). However, if i don't know something i have learned to first research, then ask questions. Trouble is, a lot of people tend to hoard information, as if sharing what they know will somehow diminish or they honestly don't know and possibly chose not to bother finding out. Thankfully, you have those who happily give their knowledge without the invisible strings attached. Okay, back to the story...
I felt in my heart that I was safe, up until that point I'd rarely felt that. I understood in that moment it was best that I "open up" and share my thoughts honestly. I went on and on about my goals and dreams; and I truly felt supported. No different than when I spent time with my Aunt. She'd come to town and I'd be her co-pilot, she'd even allow me to back the car out and drive short distances at a very young age. I felt as if the nurturing, care and concern was extended to me in the same manner as they gave to their children.
It was actually during the conversation with my Uncle, I mentioned how much I hated my first name. I expressed to him the fact that I no longer identify with who that name represents. The main reason I dislike it is because of the prejudice associated with it, many people don't even try to pronounce it correctly, so I spend unnecessary time, effort and energy correcting people on something as simple/basic as my name. There's some who compliment it and say how "beautiful" it is while the majority assume that I am "ghetto" and a bunch of other things they'd dare not say to my face. I've also noticed, some say it as a form of harassment, as if they know its a button to push and they're dying to find out what happens if I really get "turnt up". I am not her and she is not me. It was in that conversation "Kamille" was embraced. He shared with me the thought that I could be whomever I decided to be, and not to allow anyone to tell me differently. I left his presence and knew I'd never be the same.
On our shopping spree I purchased clothes that said I was serious about my future with a couple of "fun" pieces for the inner child to be happy. I'm on cloud 9, replaying this blissful day over and over in my mind. That was until I returned to my reality... Everyone questioned my purchases and said they were "too dressy" just to go to school. While the name issue was a whole other beast. Some refused to honor my request, some still don't to this day and that was what? 20 years since my initial request. Eventually, it was clear to me, "Kamille doesn't belong here". So I found ways to escape this depressing life that seemed to go nowhere except to repeat what those around me had done. Not to say that they did anything "bad" or "wrong", it was just that their idea of "making it" or "good enough" was/is vastly different from mine. Kind of like the whole "started from the bottom" mentality.
#MyTwoSense: Some people really believe that they've arrived prematurely. I know the direction that I'd like to see my life take, however I know the direction that is ordained for me is far greater than I could "ask or think" (see Ephesians 3:20 and 1 Corinthians 2:9). So I strive to learn daily, I've always been "in my head" and I over-analyze so I must figure things out, starting with myself. The day I'll believe I've "arrived" should be the day I leave this Earth for good, as @oprah says "I want to leave here saying 'I did that thing'" or the song "I was here" by @beyonce. I just believe if I've gotten to the point that I've learned, shared and done everything I am placed here to do, it's time for me to go not run around announcing my "arrival" (see Matthew 25: 1-30).
Let's fast forward about hmmm 2 or 3 years, so I'm just getting by, school is a bore and means nothing to me. So I'd go to breakfast with a friend or two, then we'd set off to explore the city, hit the beach or chill at someone's house. It was relaxing and we'd find new things to learn and/or experience. So I found happiness in the hours spent at my real school, Life.
For whatever reason, I come to the conclusion that my antics won't lead to graduation, I had an "after-school" job at a hair salon so in my mind, I was okay for now, then what? I decided to get my shit together, I'd began attending my classes and even started going on Saturday's. I'm focused, determined to succeed, then what? Drama of course -insert classic sigh & eye roll combo-
One evening I'm home, chilling in the living room. In walks my cousin who is upset about something and unnecessarily starts talking to me disrespectfully. I began with care and concern to get him to calm down, when that didn't work my mouth took over, and I said whatever I felt like I wanted to say. Here's the trouble with that "I say how I feel and they just better accept it" mindset, it leaves room for the recipient of your "verbal abuse" to up the ante, now it's the game of who's crazier. Well, he pulled a gun on me (true story). What did I do? Of course I kept talking O_o (talk about someone not knowing when to quit smh yet I still haven't mastered that, I've learned it in words, but not in actions). So once the word is out, I'm forced to move with my Aunt in Las Vegas.
To my surprise I feel like a new person, I recognize that I was happy. I'd arrive to school early and began receiving "A's" again! I made new friends and even got a part-time job. If I'm not mistaken I was embraced as "Kamille" everywhere I went, because that's who I introduced myself as. I am a firm believer in addressing people accordingly; for example if I continue to address someone as "stupid", "ugly", "bitch", "ni**a", etc eventually that's what they will answer to; even worse, that may be who they will become. You know the saying "I created a monster"? Welp.... Words are more powerful than many truly believe, which is why, if a person asks that you address them a certain way, or refrain from calling them certain "names" it would be in your best interest to do so, before you wake the monster you may not be equip to handle. I digress.
So now I'm feeling good, family situation is lovely, grades are back to MY normal, money in the bank, oh, and i'd gotten accepted into some program at school (i don't recall the details, i just remember being elated when i received the call), but my boo was still in LA. I'd invite friends as well as my boyfriend to come visit me, yet for some reason I'd always have to come to LA if I wanted to spend time with them. So I'd frequently buy a ticket and fly in for the weekend, I feel as if its the best of both worlds. I guess I was 16 or 17 at the time so to say things were perfect would be an understatement. I'm sure you can guess what happens next? Yep, drama!
Without going into detail I return to LA and this time I move in with my Dad.... lol let the games begin.
Vampires Are Real...
You ever spend time with someone/people and by the time you part ways you are drained? Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and/or Financially? If the answer is "yes", you my friend have fallen victim to a Vampire's bite.
For some this may seem hopeless, but I'm here to remind you of one very important thing: Vampires, in their own way are usually ladies/gentleman, so they must be invited into your pocket, heart, thoughts, home and life. So stop inviting them OR disinvite them from your space. Simple? It really is. Trouble comes when certain circumstances are beyond your control. In those cases, I advise to be courteous however just as places of recreation and business "have the right to refuse service".
Typically I try to keep my mouth shut, i bite my tongue A LOT. i believe certain things should "go unsaid". However the challenge comes in when the obvious goes undone and the words MUST be said, that's usually my last resort. Mainly because it doesn't come out nicely, the "bossy", "controlling", "Devil Wears Prada" chick comes out and she's a Fuq'n Bitch, so i try my very best to defuse the situation before she takes over. Here's the part I must learn to understand: don't allow things to linger, to the point your "blood is boiling" and now you're about to explode on the next person who speaks in an unpleasant tone or gives you a "side-eye".
As this migraine finds strength, the neighbors new dog is trying my patience. It's been whining for #3 weeks now, banging and scratching on the door or whatever. Even worse, I feel as if its always there, alone or just pushed away so it's not a nuisance to its owner. On the flip side, the owner's neglect (a form of abuse) has become a nuisance to me. I've tried to endure it, I've complained, but since clearly I'm the only one bothered by it no one cares and nothing has been done.
Now IF/when I blow up, then everyone's gonna look at me as if I'm the crazy one. It's like "damned if I do; damned if I don't", but wtf?!? if I don't come to my own rescue these damn people and dog will suck me dry. How can you be nice, polite, generous, helpful, welcoming when you rarely receive those things (freely) from others. When it only comes with strings attached or out of guilt? I will be honest, I'm fed up.
I need a break! I try to be accommodating, I keep to myself, I actually prefer to be in my own company. I know this is perceived a certain way, and that's fine, by no means am I implying that I am perfect. Yet, I feel some things are "general principles" and should be taken care of without a conversation, or drama. And to be extremely honest, I don't feel as if that's unreasonable.
"These are my confessions"
I believe presentation is extremely important. To the point, if a dish isn't visually appealing, I can't eat it. Some will say, "that's unreasonable", I agree to disagree and move on to the next thing. Yet, I can be unreasonable with other things. I don't always recognize it so I usually asks randumbly. I've learned, or so it seems, when I have to ask if I'm being unreasonable, oftentimes it's because I am.
Here's a weird, fun fact: I consider #Insomnia to be one of my best friends. We met during my first pregnancy. I had a job, full schedule of classes and I was becoming a single mother (and I hated kids, smh)... I couldn't figure out how I'd manage and I would tell myself (pray), "you've gotta figure out a way to make all of this work or I don't know what I'll do". Gradually I noticed I was sleeping less, at times not at all. It became my study partner and before I knew it, we were inseparable. It keeps me on my toes and at times informs me of opportunities while others are sleeping; however now that Anxiety barged into the circle, things aren't quite the same. Insomnia and I are out of sync, and I want it back how it was. For example, in an attempt to get rid of Anxiety (unwanted "guests" are THEE worst!) coupled with the excitement of The Sabbath, I decided to take a bath and wash my hair. It's about 3am which is the perfect time for meditation, devotion, prayer, etc. i feel as if the world is almost silent and the space of love and peace gently fills the room. It's absolutely magical.
Now it's about 5:30am and I'm finally allowing the water to drain from my tub, judge if you want, #MermaidProblems. In my mind it would be inconsiderate to begin blow drying "my" hair, so I take a moment and pray. Up until now, I've only shared this with a handful of people, I realize how insensitive adults can be so I rarely share intimate details about myself. With that said, I hope it's a bit easier to understand the delay in posts, however I am learning how to share and striving to do better. Okay, back to the point, I developed eczema as a result of this Anxiety Disorder, as the stressors of life increases the eczema spreads. Well, it's now in my scalp attempting to attack MY hair. Most days I'm okay with this reality, other times, not so much. This is the type of stuff I prefer to keep to myself. I figure , I don't like to complain, no one cares and some will just "wish" it got worse for me. We all know the type lmao.
So now it's about 7am and I figure that's a reasonable time to complete my tasks. I then have a thought, "if you finish your hair in time you could hike before church". I entertained it for a minute or two, I even thought of a FB post requesting prayer that I don't "overdo it", I then thought of taking a nap, which lead to the thought "quit playin', you'll oversleep, won't wake up in time then blame Insomnia for keeping you up all night/morning". So it's now a little after 8:15am and I've already taken a bath, washed, conditioned and blow dried my hair, cleaned my bathroom and typed this post on my phone.
As the scripture states, "forsake not the assembling of yourselves..." and sense I understand "obedience is better than sacrifice" I'm going to set my alarm, say my prayers and take this nap so I can be refreshed and renewed for everything God has for me as I praise, worship and fellowship today.
I pray we all make it to our appointed destinations safe and soundly, protected from all dangers (seen and unseen), I pray The Lord comforts minds and hearts, I pray for understanding, knowledge, love, peace, respect and truth to touch every person who desires "a closer walk with Thee", I pray these words prick a heart and allows the love of The Most High to come in. All of these things I pray in Jesus name, Amen!
Don't Judge (A Book & It's Cover)
Here's a fun fact about me, I am extremely territorial and possessive. I try to keep it a secret, but those who've managed to occupy a particular space in my heart seem to be the ones to discover this. On the flip side, I developed a way to shut it off while I am in someone else's territory. You know the saying, "when in Rome, do as the Roman's do"? I don't impose my ways on others however people seem to know what I'm doing wrong (everything) and how "stupid" I REALLY am lmao. It used to amaze me when people would get to know me and say "you're not at all how I thought (or heard) you'd be". For years I'd ask, "well what did you hear?" And they never respond (honestly), which is fine. I prefer not to bother with gossip, even if its about me. Now I don't even respond to that, take the assumptions and run along with them to anyone who'll listen. Sad thing is, they never realize the joke's on them.
Typically I don't like to explain myself, especially to adults. So I'd keep things shallow or superficial, which works perfectly (for me). Now the other person assumes that I ONLY care about my weave, shoes, bags & other "Girly" things. Then they sum me up as being "dumb, careless, irresponsible, lonely and a host of others" truth is I don't see any problem with this, because it proves to me that you have no interest in getting to know who I am. Which is fine.
The crazy part comes when they assume that I'm not fine with it. I remember a time when I'd hold on to every friend I came across, I thought they were supposed to be in my life forever, so I'd accept anything just to say "my friend ______" after realizing how unhealthy and unhappy that dynamic was/is, I went all the way left. Yep, I burn bridges. At the first sight of disloyalty, unreliability or any other behavior I deemed harmful to me. I remember a certain person yelling at me "there's no in between with you! Why does everything have to be all or nothing?" I simply replied, because "I give my all and if I'm not willing to give my all there's no point giving half or minimum efforts." I truly believe that, in life (professional as well as personal), he then decided to inform me that I must be bi-polar because no one operates at such extremes.... -sigh- I said "you're right" and proceeded to delete his information from my phone and email address book. I try not to burn bridges these days, which has been a major challenge for me.
I find it interesting how judgmental people can be. For example, I love hiking at Runyon Canyon (Los Angeles, California) and typically when I go idgaf how I look (for the most part) I'm here to sweat and exercise, not "be cute" or "hook up" so I'm out on the path and I have this annoying habit of making eye contact and speaking to people who pass me. Crazy, I know. Typically a good chunk of the people respond, however the other day I went out with my "crew" and since they are teenagers I understand, appearance matters, so I put forth an effort to look better on the hike (hair down, lip gloss poppin', curves on display). We go out at our usual time and no one speaks to me, I said "Good Morning" at least a hundred times and MAYBE got one or two in return. The very next day, I'm back to the ponytail & "Chapstick", but the style of dress was the same, now they speak back. You wont believe who were THEE worst offenders O_o
Black women.....
I remember years ago MTV had some show about Celebrity's and the slogan was something like, "you think you know, but you have no idea". It's so true, people will assume, doubt, jump to conclusions (I was a master at that one), lie or whatever they deem necessary to have you "figured out" even if the way they figure is inaccurate. There are no shortcuts in life, okay wait.... There are shortcuts, however they don't lead to success. The short cuts lead to drama, struggle, unhappiness, false starts and confusion. Anything worthwhile, in faith, family and/or business takes time, effort, care, concern, an open mind & heart, knowledge, understanding and nurturing (to list a few).
I guess my point is, judging may be the shortcut stealing the life, success and relationships you have always dreamt of. What do you think will happen if we asked a question to gain clarity as opposed to assuming we already know the answer? What if we provided honest answers? What if we understood what is acceptable to ask vs. what is truly none of our business? What if we considered the other persons position before running with our prejudice?
My cover changes daily, yet the book remains the same (of course with revision and correction with each new edition). iPray that's true for everyone however I can't assume (although I still do at times and it leaves me sad and/ or disappointed) I'm still working on that part. But I strive to do better, iPray the same for you as you read these words.
Accepting the Overflow
I decided it was time for me to return to church, this was a few months ago. So I prayed and meditated on what I needed, I was very clear with God as well as myself that I wasn't at all interested in "playing church". I wanted to be taught, nurtured, understood and productive. I didn't want to just sit in the pew and leave the same way I'd arrived. So after like months of conversations with God (prayer and meditation) I awoke one morning with the thought "I have to go to church today!", so I text a friend/ mentor who grew up in church and lives a lifestyle that I can relate to. She responds with the name and directions to a church that came to her heart. I immediately got dressed and headed to the church, once the service was over I knew it was the answer to my prayers. Shortly after I decided to join and truly live a life of a single, Christian Woman (see Proverbs 31:10-31). If you haven't figured it out by now, or if you're new to the blog:
I'm old fashioned. I grew up watching shows of men being loving providers and women being caring nurturers, raising children under one household and growing together as a family. I admired that structure, partly because it was the complete opposite of my life as well as the way it made me feel as I watched. So as I made changes (physically, emotionally & spiritually) I realized how the anxiety disorder was attempting to change me mentally. I've always been aware of my differences, especially with other women. Typically I keep my standards to myself and accept others however they come. I remember as a teenager my Dad would tell me all the time "don't be promiscuous and above everything else, don't be stupid!". Those were his rules, no explanation, no discussion and I willingly accepted them. So as I'd talk to him about some of the things my friends were doing or stuff guys would say to me and how I felt about it, I was understanding the rules and why I'd chosen to adhere to them. Now that I'm an adult my Dad has actually said, "it's okay if you're promiscuous" I told him how ridiculous he sounded and that this conversation shouldn't happen again. I am a believer of boundaries, which leads me to the inspiration behind this post. While on Facebook I come across the following from a page I "like":
Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it, but only when you are overflowing from goodness you gave yourself first! ~ Reuben- Mindful Creation
I'd always done that, until I recognized that I wasn't being appreciated. So at some point I created "The Ice Princess", I'll post about "her" soon. Somehow with giving and feeling undervalued in my personal life, I'd attracted it to my professional life leading to this issue with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (check out this article for more information). However the most important thing that was damaged was my self worth. I'd never thought there was an issue, I'd kept myself put together for the most part, intelligent, but I'd began accepting foolishness into my life believing what everyone always tells me, "that's unrealistic", "that's too much" or "that's crazy" to every dream or desire expressed. I began to "play small" in order to blend in and not ruffle feathers, what I hadn't expected was how the outcome I was trying to avoid was exactly what happened. So I press forward (see various posts from Aug 2012 through today) now as I find myself on an unknown path along my journey I've noticed the speed of the answers to my prayers.
Most recently I'd spent some time with my family and experienced a divine fellowship with The Creator, I received revelation regarding events from my past which lead to the way I chose to present myself to the world. I believed a particular space of hurt and pain for me had been healed and I began to rejoice. The trouble came when this freaked out one of my relatives, without going into details I left feeling a certain type of way, later as I vented and attempted to enter a space of meditation, I had an anxiety attack. The worse one to date, even worse, it came suddenly and I had no medication due to my desire for freedom. Praise God for grace, because without it I really could have snapped and lost my sanity. Since then I've spoken with my therapist, psychiatrist and made note to speak with my Pastor. My therapist is quite familiar with the triggers associated with my family so she wasn't at all surprised by the incident and instructed me to keep a healthy distance for now.
Now several of my prayers have been answered and I can easily see the path to the fairytale life I've often mentioned and dream of. So the other evening while with my new friend, at one point I had trouble sleeping. Typically I have insomnia, however this was something different. I recognized that I felt paranoid because I don't usually sleep out, so as I laid there I began my usual prayer and meditation and at some point I knew God's presence was there. Oh, let me rewind quickly to the past couple of weeks: I've been reading a lot about God's glory along with my vision board and books such as "Love letters of Great Men" and "Love Poems" by Pablo Neruda. I've felt intense vibrations during meditation and my level of understanding has grown. If you follow my Twitter (@ShoesEqualAmore) and/or Instagram (kingkamille3) you may be familiar with the books and bible passages.
To quote @johnsonkelsey from Twitter "My dreams already scare me, but the fact that they are really coming true terrifies me!". To the point I was afraid to attend church yesterday, I was trying to figure out if I'd felt guilty for spending the Evening out or something silly. I prayed for my heart to be searched and to know if I was trying to justify something or if there was another explanation. And the truth is, I'd asked to be taken "to the clouds" (see I Kings 8:10-11) and after knowing that God was with me, I thought I knew what was coming next and it scared me.
When I attend my church service, the presence of God is so powerful. This experience is much different from when I attended church in the past (see, "My Religion is Love") so to think, I've been fasting a couple times a week, I've increased my prayers and meditations, I've been trying my best to be nice and not "go off" no matter how I am provoked or treated and to be helpful in anyway I can. So to go into a space with multiple people with similar energy, I was certain. I'd be in another realm and I didn't think I could handle it. On Thursday evening on my way home from an event I did not like the space that I was in, as I prepared for bed I said to myself "I need a 'Kamille Appreciation Weekend'", I typically have a day and I do whatever I choose FOR/BY myself to ensure I always feel appreciated and cherished regardless of who does it for me or not. I believe that although I am single I still deserve romance, love, respect and admiration; so who better to show and receive that from me besides me? And before I knew it the Universe conspired to give me exactly what I'd asked for. The following was my response to @johnsonkelsey:
"to feel something and truly know the space it's coming from is divine. I feel as if today is absolutely blissful 💜"
I am still in awe.
"Chasing A Ghost"
Most never admit that they've never met a woman like me, they often like to pretend as if I'm no different than the next, but we all know how untrue that is. One guy actually said that my mouth is what he loves and hates the most. I'm a Capricorn (research us or simply follow .@HeartCapricorn on twitter to understand what that means) I say what I feel (even if it takes a while to build up the strength), I mean what I say, once my mind is made up there's no changing it. I always think of the torment that must create. The fact that all the reasons they love me are the exact reasons they find to hate me. LMAO that shit is crazy!
After a conversation with a friend which lead to a discussion with my therapist, they both feel as if its time for me to date. A task I truly dislike, however if I'm going to move forward with my life I must do (some of the) things which make me uncomfortable. So I promised my therapist that I would "try my best", that's all I can do and she accepted. Once it's clear, I discuss this with the friend who initially brought it up. I expressed what I wanted my dating life to look like as well as my dedication to #TeamAbstinence. I expressed my dislike and discomfort when I am in the company of men and the level of sexual energy they direct towards me becomes offensive. Often times they don't express it or try to act upon it, but I can sense when the thoughts change and the energy is contaminated. I expressed how I understand people have certain desires and that's human; however it's a basic level when you allow that energy to consume you. I often direct them to Chapter 11 of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill which teaches on the skill of transmutation of sexual energy. Funny thing is they always refuse to learn about it. So back to my conversation, I was then told that I am being unrealistic and that men will always be a certain way and I basically need to learn to accept and deal with it. O_o no ma'am!
I will admit I was annoyed and irritated which is why I try not to have these conversations with women. They somehow think that my values are outdated, and that's fine. The irritation comes when they insist that my desires are "wrong" and "unattainable" however the relationship or style of dating they entertain does not appeal to me, I agree to disagree yet find my standards attacked. Rather than express much of my annoyance I decided to meditate and pray about the promise I'd made to myself and my therapist and left it all to God.
Not even three days later while (literally) running an errand I meet someone. He stops me and we chat briefly before exchanging numbers. I continue on my run and before I returned home he'd already asked me out. Since this is all new to me I made a few calls to see how this stuff works, well only one person answered and he gave his usual advice. He instructed me that "the times are different" and I should do "whatever" I wanted because guys don't judge if you sleep with them on the first date blah blah blah. The plan was he'd cook and provide the wine (of my choice) and I'd bring a movie, simple enough. I arrive and he's a complete gentleman, the energy was good and no crazy talk about sex or anything else inappropriate. We have many things in common and his dog and I fell in love. So as the time goes by I realize I should be leaving soon, when I informed him and he requested that I stay I honestly didn't want to leave, I enjoyed his company that much and for those who of you who don't know me personally, to say that's major would be an understatement. I figured this was the appropriate time to disclose my commitment to abstinence so it would be clear if I stayed it wasn't for anything sexual and if that wasn't accepted then it was absolutely time to call it a night.
He respected my boundaries and we stayed up to some ridiculous hour talking about everything. We slept (him in pj's and me in my pants and a shirt he provided), the morning I was greeted with the warmest hello and told to relax and make myself comfortable. I showered, got dressed then we listened to random music as he cooked breakfast, at one point I found myself lost in a gospel song and when I opened my eyes I realized he was observing me from the kitchen, he asked "you were meditating?" and I replied with a simple "yes". He prepared a beautiful breakfast and this time he asked me to lead the prayer as he had done with dinner. I don't know why I get nervous to pray in front of people, but it's slowly getting easier. Now we're watching the movie "Boomerang" and after some scene with Eddie Murphy and Robin Givens he decides to ask me "why do women lead men on knowing they want sex just as bad as men do?" This caught me off guard however I could tell it wasn't an attack against me so I remained cool and engaged in the conversation. I expressed to him how I agree, it's unfortunate that women play such games however I am not one of those women. We've all heard the "well I don't usually..." next thing you know she's "busting it wide open", well that's not me. I expressed my neurosis regarding casual sex and it's extremely clear that's not for me, for various reasons. It seems he understood by the end of our conversation that this wasn't an act, and I made sure to tell him. Although some women claim to be a certain way, I am actually committed to the lifestyle that I've chosen. People don't have to agree, but they must accept and respect my boundaries.
Since I left that morning we've had several conversations and for the most part he's the same. One thing that I felt great about, was the fact that even if he had flipped the script on me, I still had my dignity and self-respect. There was no "walk of shame", because there was no shameful behavior. I read my bible (app) as I normally would, I shared what I read and we discussed. I prayed, meditated and went on about my day.
It wasn't until yesterday, I realized that I too am chasing a ghost. The ghost of my first love, he was everything that I need, want and desire in a man. As I've expressed in the posts dedicated to him (see "My First Love" and "Happy Birthday Terrance") our friendship was pure, nonsexual and enlightening from the day we met until the day he died. I believe that type of love and friendship will find me again. Until then I'll continue my journey and meet cool people along the way. As with anything, those who can't handle it will remove themselves and make room for only what I want in my life. That's the beauty of the law of attraction and I am blessed with a collage of conversations, memories and interactions to draw from.