a glimpse into the mind of a Girl evolving, loving, learning, growing, becoming; a Woman
Hopes of Sunshine
Pink Mountains
I've been away.
Honestly, I didn't expect to return.
Then I think, what if my domain is the same? However, my eyes have changed. The three of them seem to be more in harmony than before.
Realizing what matters as well as what may need a better or perhaps alternate perspective/ understanding.
Chocolate Kisses
blending with the warmth of your Soul
the Brain can not comprehend
the flow of Love
and the depth in which it is to be understood
yet the Heart knows
and feels the expressions
because it knows of
Harmony and Dedication
like no other.
Check In: "Hello"
I am a bit excited to share the new expressions, I've been making a conscious effort to be more detailed in my writing. Hopefully allowing you to see a vivid picture of the vision/ visual I attempt to create.
Venus on Display: Vulnerability Pt. 2
oozing of chocolate
and the aroma
of vanilla and lavender
fueled by the intense desire
to Love where it can be showered
with passion and honesty
feeling whole
reunited with the Divine
Leading to thoughts of the Here- After. Not the last time, but the first time death met me. Understanding the portal of choice was to discover my soul'd deepest, darkest, most intimate space in which to give.
Now your hands trace my skin as you would a velvet comforter
The room spins and I'm in your arms, or is it Heaven?
The deep ripples of the waves remind me of your fingers intangled in the succulent curls of my hair
Then I feel your energy and become engulfed into your aura
Beaming from within, I begin to feel the intense Love from the Universe and know that all is okay; today.
Peach Skies
The vibe is real
The feelings are under control; for now
Then the sky changed and turned into a burst of color!
The silhouette of the Mountains render me speechless
Until the thoughts flood my mind as if being kissed by the Divine
3rd eye beaming
inviting only Love inside
No Filter
Which leads me to my next venture; YouTube. I haven't decided how I would like to use the channel, but I will do my best to learn as much as I can in an attempt to connect with you all as well as express some thoughts which may come out better with a voice attached as opposed to leaving the words on a page.... Time will tell.
Venus on Display: Vulnerability, Pt. 1
Nonetheless, to think my time away was a bit emotional would be an understatement, although I was able to push through it, I thought with all of his wisdom, encouraging words and support; what would he encourage me to do in this stage of my journey if he were here to see areas where I may be holding back. I am deciding to allow myself the freedom to express what my heart desires and allow the "chips to fall where they may" or more like "carpe diem"! I feel as if I have been in this position before; as a matter of fact I know I have been....
December 2007*, I'd decided the work I was doing was no longer serving me so I turned in my resignation with the plan to start my own business and begin writing a book. It was outlined to be fictional however based on a few of the hilarious interactions I'd witness over the previous years with the people and things I found myself surrounded by. Along with my personal "life lessons" and outlook; well I began a business and my first "client" was introduced to be through a "friend". I poured my heart and time into a project and found myself getting "played" with some hood shenanigans. Immediately I put the business and book on the shelf and went out to find a job. Fast forward to present day, I find myself in the same mindset to start businesses and write books; however this time I refuse to allow any set back or set up to interfere with the vision I have or the projects in mind. I believe on a different level this time. I believe God gave me those ideas and various experiences keep leading me back to them, leaving me feeling that this is my opportunity (once again) to fulfill my dreams and make a difference in this World (regardless of the level of impact), even if something I've said helps one Person, even if that one Person is my Self; I am determined to take control of my destiny and not allow past experiences, current circumstances or doubts/ anxiety of the future keep me from my purpose any longer.
To be continued...
4 Drafts
Out Of The Loop
Last Words
Playing with Words
My Lover consumes me; from my Crown and throughout the heights and depths of my Soul.
My God completes me; I am whole yet enhanced by the love I choose to believe.
Mind. Body. And Soul.
Check In: "Hi"
Late Night Thoughts
Happy 1111!
I intend to share more, but until then.... Love.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Beginning today I am focusing on an area of my Being that I only discuss with my Doctors and friends on a "need to know" basis. Well, I suppose I've decided to share in the hopes to bring awareness and perhaps prevention to anOther.
My tummy is at one of it's worse states of Being, as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) has taken over. Little does it know, Cleansing, Lifestyle changes as well as my commitment to "Team Fitness" are about to take over!
Pray my strength, endurance and healing.
Red Park
It's set under the play yard.
Obscured by slides and other play things.
Although we don't notice any of it.
The Sun sets and the Sky changes in such majestic colors; filling the air with love and desire.
We talk and touch as we await the Moon.
Once darkness falls our clothes disappear as if they were powered by Sunlight.
We admire one another as our shadows and the sound of our breathing echoes in the Night air. Followed by the love we will express as our breath and bodies become One.
Orange Skies
Galaxy of Love
Good Morning! Saturday, October 25, 2014
Strawberry Kisses
Random Thoughts
Feathers & Flips: The Wrong Ones
Morse Code
Urgent Lika Mutha...
Vampire Nights; Black Moon
Inland Empress
Pink Clouds; Hidden Moon
Lilac Moon
I long for you; already.
The smell of your hair, the touch of your skin, your caress. The way your body feels against mine. The sound of your voice as we exchange ancient secrets and form new recipes of passion; leaving us both in the land of bliss. In search of an oasis to quench our desires.
I have a suspicion once our Eyes meet you'll know it too. You'll have a knowing; that just like I do.
you Love me; already.
Venus Take Me Away
Venus on Display: "Trust Issues, Thirst Traps and Guilt Tripping"
Check In: "Hello"
I hope you are enjoying this Beautiful, Sunday Morning! I've been basking in an impromptu "Staycation" (lol) allowing me to discover a love for the City; like never before. I intend to work on a few posts (hopefully I'll be able to publish them Today :)
Also, "Hello" & "Welcome" to all of my Supporters, Well-Wishers and Friends. I would like to say "Thank you!" for all of the kind words, care and concern. It is truly a Blessing to know and feel that you are Loved and Appreciated. My Heart is bursting with Gratitude.
Lastly, for those interested in contacting me, you can do so as follows:
Venus On Display
When It Comes To "love".
Check In: "Team Abstinence"
Energy- There's More To It.
Fun Facts About MeSheHer... Kamille
The Shape of My Heart
Today's Color Therapy
feeling some shade of Blue in the moment. definitely not Indigo. i just looked at a color chart and the one that stuck out the most; or should I say, the one I was drawn to the most was Midnight Blue. it feels accurate, for reasons.
after a short "trip" down Memory Lane and a pit stop at a Pity Party hosted by "Trying To Figure Something Out" and a few side effects of Insomnia; I am making a Conscious effort to pull my Self out of it. so far holding my Rose Quartz seems to be helping a little, Well actually they're helping a lot.
The great thing is depression is at bay and I am encouraged to continue my Day; possibly engage in Team Fitness as well as a bit of "Team Of Me" in addition to "Team Us" (with the Fam) as I am aware that when you're feeling a little Blue, the Pink and Yellow helps.
*queues up "Yellow" by Coldplay*
I also figured it always help to spread a bit of positive energy especially in those moments when you need them the most. hope you all are enjoying your Friday!
Spell Check